Thursday 4 November 2021

Sickness and Health

We should understand life, not just physical but spiritual too, in terms of health and sickness and the latter should be recognised as such and not redefined as just a different, equally valid sort of health. If we do not have that attitude then society will become sick and out of touch with reality. As now.

Rational distaste for something is not irrational fear of it. The feeling of disgust for the unnatural all human beings experience when in a spiritually healthy state should not be stigmatised as prejudice or intolerance but seen as part of a properly operating spiritual immune system. Of course, the old adage of hate the sin, love the sinner means we should always distinguish between the sickness and the person who is sick but loving the sinner does not mean accepting or, worse, celebrating the sin.

We live in an age of spiritual sickness but don't recognise it because we don't know, or won't accept, that there is such thing as spiritual health. If we were true to the inner compass we all have when not turned aside from it by selfish desires, ego, ideology (any ideology), prejudice, wishful thinking and so on we would know it and be spiritually healthy. With plenty still to learn but in a good spiritual state, aligned with both God and nature. Now, however, we are very sick and getting more so by the day. The good news is that the cure is always at hand and only requires that we cease to resist reality. The bad news is that most of us do resist reality.

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