Tuesday 30 November 2021


Here we go with the inevitable restrictions in the lead up to Christmas, all for a variant which, as the South African doctor who identified it says, appears to have symptoms little worse than a cold. Starting from today everyone in England is instructed to wear a mask in shops or on public transport despite the fact that there is zero evidence this does any good. See here and here for a couple of articles which I've plucked from the internet almost at random. A suspicious mind might think this has all come about to encourage more pecking since the take-up for a third one seems to be less enthusiastic than for the first batch.

A few months ago I wrote a post about the bad idea of getting pecked. I allowed myself a little pun along the lines of the one above. For those who don't know Latin, peccavi means 'I have sinned' and was traditionally the lament of the penitent sinner. It even has a 'v' in it. How much more proof do you need?

I have rarely had a stronger gut feeling about something than I have had about this peck. Even if the deception of the whole charade had not been apparent from practically the beginning I would still have avoided the peck based purely on this intuitive certainty that something was wrong. This proves nothing, of course, but when a voice inside you says "Don't do it", you should listen. Subsequent evidence of problems associated with the peck, ranging from the fact that it doesn't actually work very well to its efficacy doesn't last long to the unprecedented amount of deaths and adverse side effects to the unknown though strongly suspected long-term problems, has borne that initial instinct of revulsion out even if this evidence is suppressed and has not yet penetrated through the thick carapace of government, scientific and media propaganda. I know people who have had 3 pecks since January and, when I ask them if they think that's an end of it, neither know nor even seem to care about what they've allowed themselves to get into. But I'm not chiefly talking about the health aspect of the thing. For me, and I'm sure for others, there is a spiritual aspect that is more important. By submitting to this we are allowing something to have authority over our body and also, to a degree, over our soul. That is a right that belongs to God and him alone. Materialists won't understand this and will refer back to previous pecks which we have all had but there is something very different this time which we surely know even if we cannot fully define what it is.

 Anyone who thinks themselves a spiritual person who has not seen that the events of the last 21 months have been part of an ongoing operation to enslave humanity has failed a critical test. Those are extreme words but this is an extreme situation. You are not going to see the truth unless there is truth in you, and if you have failed this test it does mean that the truth either is not in you or has yet to awaken properly. Admittedly, unless you have an awareness of God and the fact that this world is a spiritual battleground it is hard to come to terms with what is going on. From a normal point of view it just doesn't seem possible, either that the whole world could go collectively mad or that anyone would want to bring the whole world into a state of controlled servitude. But if you see events from above rather than from ground level you can clearly perceive the lies and machinations and know there is a spiritual endgame involved. This is all about the soul. Understand that there is a soul and that there is a fight for that soul, your soul, then the matter should become easier to grasp.

Those religious or spiritual people who have gone along with the mainstream view of recent events have shown their religion or spirituality to be skin deep. Ask it a real question and it reverts to standard issue worldliness. You are being challenged. How do you respond? Do you fall back into fear and the safe and secure arms of social approval or do you look beneath the surface and examine the situation from the point of spiritual purpose?  When religious leaders dutifully echo the world as most of them, with certain honourable exceptions, do that means you need to look elsewhere for spiritual guidance and authority. Chiefly, you need to look to God himself who will support you if you turn to him for succour.

If you have been pecked but now regret it, don't worry. There may be consequences down the line but it's not the physical aspect of this that is important. It's the spiritual. Anyone can turn to God at any time. All that is required is a penitent heart. And, pecked or not, we all need to say. "Peccavi. Forgive me Father for I have sinned." 


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It doesn't just have a "v" in it, it's practically an anagram! Just one letter off.

William Wildblood said...

So it is! I hadn't realised.

Francis Berger said...

Good stuff. I like the term. Very fitting. I may "borrow" it in the future, with your blessing, of course.

William Wildblood said...

Please feel free to do so, Frank!

Bruce Charlton said...

"Those religious or spiritual people who have gone along with the mainstream view of recent events have shown their religion or spirituality to be skin deep. Ask it a real question and it reverts to standard issue worldliness."

And a common excuse for this is that the compliers have a higher and more spiritual faith - which ignores all 'merely' material phenomena; like church closures, masks and the peck. These people pretend themselves to be so Very Spiritual that they Rise Above such material trivialities...

And yet their *actual* opinions and behaviours - those they demand are enforced ruthlessly - come direct from the Leftist mainstream; and they track and follow these material demands on a daily basis...

William Wildblood said...

If they really had a higher and more spiritual faith they would see that that includes material phenomena. It doesn't ignore precisely what closes off higher understanding. Their higher understanding is actually rooted in a false idea of the spiritual world.

William Wildblood said...

It occurs to me that if a higher spiritual faith means you can ignore all merely material phenomena then you can lie, murder and cheat to your heart's content or at least not worry if others do. It's all illusion really, isn't it, in the face of the absolute? This is a typical example of how half truths can be as bad or worse than lies.

Todd said...

If the spiritual doesn't exist to someone, then they will never comprehend someone doing something for purely spiritual reasons. I see that a lot from leftists/atheists regarding the peck. You never have a right to not take a peck, because there are nothing but material considerations. In fact, I sense that to even broach spiritual considerations is something akin to being insane combined with being evil to them.

I also sense something just totally wrong and evil about the peck agenda. It's almost as though there are demons behind the scenes, and these demons have a mania and obsession with pecking every last man, woman and child. Strangely, I've even seen articles about the need to peck zoo animals and dogs. Even the wild deer around here are feared to carry the V, in some articles. It's just beyond belief, but here we are. OCD demons are very obsessed with one thing. To not react against this strange obsession is strange to me. But then, I'm usually on the wrong side of what's popular.

William Wildblood said...

To be on the wrong side of what's popular usually means to be on the right side these days. I agree with you about the spiritual agenda behind the peck. We can sense that there is one even if we can't exactly identify what it might mean. Perhaps it's to do with creating a situation in which people get used to the idea of constantly allowing themselves to be 're-adjusted' with the aim of fixing us ever more deeply in the material world and cutting us off completely from any spiritual contact.

William Wildblood said...

Wm Jas, it's just occurred to me that to get to the right letter from the wrong one to make the anagram correct you have to go a mere two letters back and what do those two letters spell? NO. I call that conclusive evidence.