Saturday 4 June 2022

The Transhumanist Route to Hell

This article is all about Satanism but the hapless individual promoting it is totally unaware of the path she has embarked on and where she will end up if she pursues her current course. Transhumanism presents itself as a bright and shiny new development for the human race which has the potential to bring enlightenment and immortality by manipulating our minds and bodies so that the errors and deficiencies of nature are corrected. This could be through mechanical, chemical or biological means but is essentially an artificial reconstruction based on purely materialistic methods. It claims a certain spiritual content but let's not forget that Satan is a spiritual being. His sin is not the denial of the spiritual so much as the denial of God. It is most telling that the article specifically says, "We are building God." No, you are not. You are building hell on earth. You are rejecting the true God and attempting to build a false one. A man-made one, an idol, and this would turn out to be, if it ever actually came to pass, just another means for the demonic powers to milk human energy and consciousness. We would go into it expecting salvation but it would really be damnation which is another way of describing soul loss. Transhumanism is all about handing over your soul to the demons. It's the ultimate Faustian pact. You get power of some kind, though it's never what you really hoped for, but at the cost of your soul.

The transhumanists think they are pioneers in opening up consciousness and finding new ways of reconfiguring the human form but they are actually following the oldest of paths that goes right back to the book of Genesis and maybe to Atlantean times. What Satan offered in the Garden of Eden was the transhumanist ticket. Be a god yourself. Forget God. The Tower of Babel was a transhumanist construction. Get to heaven without God. Be your own god. This is pure Satanism and it leads straight to hell. One can only hope that the naive egotists who follow this path don't encourage too many others to join them and that they themselves wake up before it's too late. You have to go up to Heaven which you do by conforming your being to its laws. You cannot bypass those laws and bring Heaven down to where you are now.


High Atlantis said...

In Atlantis the lure was that of raw power through psychic powers and turning the healing energy of crystals into weapons.

It was more primal in orientation since the surrounding cultures had declined as well. War and conquest out of desperation for resources and slaves was becoming the new norm.

The era of peace and abundance from tapping into the source amplifying prana in the Aether was coming to an end. The oceans were receding from the base of the Pyramids. The Pyramids were no longer emitting global energy.

What little remained of the amplified pranic energy was turned to conquest, incurring the wrath of God Himself!

In time warnings would be written into the Holy Bible...

The theft of the Ark amplifying the great pyramids global free energy system collapsed Egypt and a new era of weakened absent magicks we call the modern world came to be.

Bruce Charlton said...

@William - I was quite involved with transhumanism around the millennium; as can be seen from the archive of my publications on; which Dave Pearce (one of the two founders of the World Transhumanist Association) kindly converted and maintained for me.

All that began to change when I became a Christian in late 2008.

What was valuable to me from the experience; was seeing common assumptions and aspirations taken to what became apparent was a reductio ad absurdum - of seeking to relieve human suffering and enhance pleasure by aiming to abolish humans and replace them with something qualitatively different! This is not logically very different from a goal of mass painless euthanasia for all who suffer (since suffering is the ultimate evil).

Of course - life extension/ immortality is another transhumanist goal - and again I came to see that this also led to another reductio ad absurdum, where people aimed to extend their 'life' by (for example) Not extending *life* but assuming that 'downloading' their mind onto a computer programme - which was then assumed to remain their *real* selves. So life is extended by becoming not-life...

Another thing I noticed, was that everything *assumed* benign, altruistic and incorruptible - and extremely powerful - rulers. Yet transhumanism gives people no reason for being altruistic or benign (other than their own pleasure - if that happens to be inclined that way), nor to avoid corruption.

There was no reason why the rules should not selfishly exploit (to the maximum expedient level) the technologies supposedly designed to give pleasure an alleviate suffering, extend life, delay ageing. Therefore transhumanism plays into the hands of those who desire a coercive and elite global totalitarianism - and these are apparently exactly the people who have have supported and promoted transhumanism.

On the other side, there has been been near zero scientific progress towards the transhumanist goals - indeed, for the mass of people; things have probably gone backwards in terms of healthy life expectancy, freedom from suffering and enhanced pleasure, and postponement/ reversal of the effects of ageing.

So, transhumanism apparently is not going to happen - but is still dangerous. Its dangers include the desires it encourages, the spiritual blindness and materialism of its assumptions - which encourage this in others, and the bad effects of trying and failing to implement an impossible agenda.

William Wildblood said...

Two interesting comments from opposite ends of the transhumanist spectrum, you might say. Thanks, they both reinforce the post.
I do believe that Atlantis existed in some form and that the civilisation fell because of hubris, the same hubris now displayed by some of the modern day transhumanists. Atlantis was more developed in magic, we may be more developed in scientific technology but we will end up the same way if we carry on as we are.

cae said...

@Bruce - Your comment reminded me of this 1967 science fiction story by Harlan Ellison:,_and_I_Must_Scream

Warning, even the description of the characters is rather, rereading the plot just now (it's 10 years or more since I first read it), I was struck by how incredibly prescient the story is.

If God 'cannot' (I refuse to believe 'will not') save our children from such a future...we must surely be intended to pray that a 'way be opened' for Him to intervene...

Lady Mermaid said...

Transhumanism wants the benefits of the Resurrection without being truly "Born Again". Going back to the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were barred from eating from the Tree of Life after they sinned. This was not b/c God was an arbitrary tyrant punishing His children for making a mistake. Rather, this was an act of love as gaining immortality as a sinful human being would be a hellish existence. Think of Jadis in The Magician's Nephew who ate the Golden Apple. She gained immortality in a horrific form.

Becoming an immortal god is not a bad thing. In fact, God intends for us to take that path if you read the Gospel of John. However, our old sinful nature has to die. We must be transformed through resurrection, or be born again. Transhumanism is restating the lie told to Eve that she would not die despite disobeying God.

William Wildblood said...

I think that would be described in golfing terminology as a hole in one, Lady Mermaid!