Tuesday 7 June 2022

Resist Not Evil

 It seems to me that too many well-meaning and properly orientated people nowadays are too fixated on opposing the (obvious) insanity of the worldly powers including the political powers, the media, the entertainment industry, the 'science' and all the rest of it. We certainly should oppose this lunacy but we should not allow ourselves to be defined by our opposition to it. It's an old trick of the devil to lie so hard that he entraps the virtuous into sin or imbalanced behaviour because of their outraged response to his lies. It's all nonsense. Of course it is. The transgender absurdity, the climate change hysteria, the diversity/inclusion/equality diktats, the anti-racism, the feminism etc, etc. It's all stupid, ignorant nonsense. We know it is. Anyone of sense knows it. Don't rise to the bait and allow yourself to be pushed into reaction. That's what the devil wants. If he can't get you on his side he wants you to fight him because then he has drawn you into his orbit. So just laugh at him. He's an idiot, a loser, a fool. We are wise to his tricks. We know his game and we won't lower ourselves to his level. We will just focus on the good and combat darkness by spreading light.

The lies will spread because we have cut ourselves off from objective truth which is God so there is nothing to anchor us to reality. Anything goes now. We can't stop that but what we can do is control our reaction to the lies. All we are responsible for is our self. We are living in today's world so that is where  we are meant to be. That's fine. We just have to hold fast to the reality of God and then let what will be outwardly be. We will convince others more by quiet example than noisy confrontation.


Bruce Charlton said...

@William - This is an important principle - but easily misunderstood or misrepresented as passivity. But people need to be much more wary of being drawn into battles for which the ground was prepared by the enemy (usually by the official bureaucracy and/or the mass media); that is almost-never a good idea.

William Wildblood said...

Yes, not resisting evil doesn't mean lying down and letting it have its way but not fighting it with its own weapons. It's very possible that certain movements are encouraged specifically to outrage right-thinking people and draw them into sin of some sort through their response.

Ron Tomlinson said...

Contradicting the litmus test issues in public is dangerous and counterproductive. However what about in private? e.g. should we prevent the lies being repeated in our homes or in the presence of our children.

William Wildblood said...

Definitely yes, and why not even in public too if it is done with a certain amount of skill? It can be tricky but there are ways of showing up falsehoods if one simply presents honest truth.

Isbe said...

I’m not sure I totally agree with this sentiment – and if not, it would be the first time I disagreed with you William! It seems to me that as the Church teaches, we are all different organs and cells in the Body of Christ – with different functions, abilities, and missions. Some may be perfectly kitted out to do battle, others not. As long as the person is not ‘identified’ totally with their role and is acting according to some higher purpose I think it may be okay to ‘get involved.’ Synchronistically speaking though, yesterday a friend wrote this to me as we were having a similar discussion:

“Something else that I wanted to mention is that primarily, we refrain from engaging in their illogical negativity , NOT because we don't want to lower our vibration in order to respond to it , but because we don't actually understand it ! When we jump to judgement it is because we are confused. It's like you are wearing your favorite BLUE t-shirt and someone comes up to you screaming " I hate that RED t-shirt . We should know immediately that there is no point in responding ; that there is no response. Any attempted response would feed and sustain it. It is like Paul Dirac said .." It's so bad it isn't even wrong" Just smile and bow. If you don't, they will incorporate everything you say into their dream.”

William Wildblood said...

Isbe, you say "As long as the person is not ‘identified’ totally with their role and is acting according to some higher purpose I think it may be okay to ‘get involved.’" I agree with that but it is probably quite rare and it's more common for people to claim or even believe they are acting according to a higher calling but actually be acting from self-will.

The point I wanted to make though is not that we should never contest or confront evil but we must be careful to do so from the right place.