Thursday 1 July 2021

The Left Hand Path

 In occultism the left hand path is the path that seeks to acquire spiritual power by illicit means. Often justified by its acolytes as the direct path or the heroic path, it is really just the path of the unrepentant self who wishes to steal from God what he has not earned and is not prepared to earn. It is the path of the ego, pursued by those who do not accept that the spiritual can only be known by those prepared to sacrifice their own little egos. It can never bring one to true spiritual illumination but it can take its practitioners to a dark imitation of illumination which they confuse for the real thing.

To me it is no coincidence that the modern way which has rejected God is that of the left. All thought that falls under that general heading shares the belief that man is pre-eminent and that humanity does not need, in fact, is much better off without, God. The left is the way that denies transcendence and the fact of the divine and which seeks to remake the world according to man. To begin with, this may have been innocent enough and an attempt to see that God is within as well as out there, but the small seed has grown into something monstrous that not only rejects God but is also rejecting nature and soon enough will reject humanity. You may scoff at this idea since the left considers itself the defender of humanity but its progression of destruction and deconstruction, all based on the original diminishment of God, leads inevitably to the destruction of everything. It is a maw that must continually be fed. 

The ideology of the left will lead (I am tempted to say has led) to the destruction of Western civilisation. One of its principle expressions is feminism. Feminism arises in a culture when male creative energy has built up a structure it can latch onto and feed off. With its push towards equality in which nothing and no one is better than anything or anyone else, perhaps driven by feminine empathy which is a wonderful thing but only in its proper place, it results in a world in which the safe and the mediocre are the ideals to aim for and celebrate. This inevitably leads to intellectual and spiritual decline, the decline of freedom too because my freedom gets in the way of your safety. Is it a coincidence that the female powers are brought into prominence and propitiated on the left hand path of occultism? And that these powers are independent of masculine spiritual direction and do not manifest the true spiritual qualities of the feminine as reflected in the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is the feminine that has given herself over to God? The left side is the female as the right side is the male and it is no coincidence that the normal human condition is to be right handed. This seemingly unimportant fact does point to a greater spiritual truth for those alive to the realities of symbolism.

Feminism is a new twist on the old story of "ye shall be as gods" and like that story it involves a disruption in the natural order of being. The left in general is a rebellion against divine order and seeks to install man on the throne of God. It can never succeed but it can cause a lot of damage before it eventually destroys itself which it inevitably does when it has nothing else left to destroy.


MagnusStout said...

I agree. All of these novel "justice" movements we see are just outgrowths of spiritual rebellion that feed off ego. I wonder if Satan used similar schemes to tempt the 1/3 of angels who fell from heaven with him? Just as those fallen angels came to realize, just as Adam and Eve came to realize, and just as our society will come to understand: spiritual rebellion leads to literal and metaphysical death. The kind of world that sees Man as god is the same kind of world that will embrace death and destruction as "necessary" and "good."

This rebellion is always an illusion because there are always masters. For feminists, they have traded a husband for a corporate boss instead. For the antiracists, they have traded authentic community for a panel of stodgy bureaucrats enforcing artificial speech codes and mechanistic preferences. Just as feminists are overwhelmingly unhappy, so too will all the other leftist groups find misery in their "success."

The real question is this: who will you serve? In the words of that gospel Bob Dylan song: "But you’re going to have to serve somebody, yes indeed / You’re going to have to serve somebody / Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord / But you’re going to have to serve somebody."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’ve always found it mildly surprising that the “Left” has embraced that label for itself, given the universally negative connotations of left/sinister across languages and cultures. And in America this is accompanied by the embrace of the jackass as a mascot or symbol!

William Wildblood said...

The term comes from the French Revolution which is damning enough in itself and is based on which side of the president of the National Assembly the two parties, supporters of the king and supporters of the revolutionary movement, sat.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Of course there's a historical explanation for it, as there is for everything, but I think the long-term embrace of the label, far from France and centuries after the revolution, is telling.

William Wildblood said...

Possibly because they are flaunting their defiance and rebellion? We're not bound by your rules!

Bruce Charlton said...

I'd see the self-use of Leftism in terms of this 'law' (which we have discussed before) that evil always announces its own nature and intentions, and thereby obtains what it regards as implicit consent (indeed, maybe the consent thus obtained is genuine and therefore damning?).

The explicit (then denied) use of evil symbolism is probably similar - as when extreme evil is alluded to (or enacted, emotionally evoked, and otherwise depicted) in art and popular media.

William Wildblood said...

Yes, that makes a lot of sense.

Kirstie said...

I think David Icke is spot-on when he says, it doesn't matter whether you are on the 'Left' or the 'Right', politicians are put in place to confuse and pretend. They are controlled by the cabal (demonically controlled). I believe this is what the majority are wakening up to now. They just see through a whole load of BS. And where do they go from here? Nowhere unless they grasp the concept that they are created by a higher power than themselves. And what is that higher power? Science. They literally believe Science is the ultimate power. And look how that is being played out. They are realising that even science is corrupted. So where will they turn next? Material possessions. And then slowly but surely, those material possessions are controlled. And then where will they go next? Hopefully God, before suicide.

Kirstie said...

And coming to know God and then Jesus Christ takes personal time, a lot of time so it would make sense that those opposed to God would become desperate and strike the biggest fear into souls, last ditch attempts to corrupt fearful souls at the Last Stand.

Kirstie said...

Bruce calls it, 'Coming to a point'. He is absolutely right. I believe it will be two different realities that will separate - those that are on the side of Good and those which are not. Pride and ego are so strong in those that believe in science. Just like those that believe in the Church without questioning it. It will be an individual choice, considered with information or without. Monumental.

Kirstie said...

Or 'assisted suicide'. Do you know that the best of a person is passed down through old age to the younger generations when they realise death is near. However cruel it may seem, however difficult, there is a reason for it. It inspires Truth. So to cut someone's life because you see it as 'humane' means you are cutting out Truth. The most uncomfortable thing people don't want to see and experience. Just like God.

Kirstie said...

The whole point of God is to surpass the fear of dying, by knowing you can live an eternal relationship with Him.

Kirstie said...

But you must know Him in this earthly life, you can't cheat it. You can't cheat Him.

Kirstie said...

Just like the 'Hippocratic Oath' that doctors and physicians (of the New Order) fail to grasp.