Saturday 9 January 2021

Good and Evil Redefined

We live in very dark times, who could doubt it? And yet most people simply will not see it. I say will rather than do because I firmly believe it is a matter of choice. Most people have given their allegiance to the prince of this world and do not want to accept spiritual truth. Even if they do nominally as with the churches they don't really because accepting spiritual truth means seeing everything in the material world in the light of God. Everything. But the modern churches see even God in the light of Man for the most part which is why they have largely given themselves over to the false religion of humanitarianism in which God takes a secondary role. Love God and love your neighbour has been replaced by behave as though you love everyone, and often those who are not your neighbour more than your actual neighbour.

I don't understand exactly what went on in the American election but even I can see something very wrong took place. The one-sidedness of the media and of all the talking heads trotted out to tut-tut sanctimoniously is truly extraordinary and tells me we are living in a world of lies and deceit unparalleled in Western history. America certainly is a battleground, or a focal point of the global battleground, but I have to say that whatever happens there in the immediate future the general trajectory is likely to be downwards. Outer forces aligned with God can make valiant rearguard actions but they are doomed to failure or worldly failure anyway. This is not a time when good can triumph in the world. It is a time when the souls of human beings are being weighed in the balance, when the spiritual darkness will be ramped up and God can see who is faithful to him when to be so runs counter to everything the world considers good. Good and evil now are not what they seem to the conventionally minded. They are to do with faithfulness to God and his goals for creation. This is the time for the judgment of hearts and what takes place externally is very much secondary.

So, strangely enough, this is actually a time for optimism. Not that the world may turn a corner but that the faithful may soon claim their reward. The test is upon us and all we have to do is hold fast in love of God and the true good. It is that love which is the light that rescues us from the darkness of the present day.


Bruce Charlton said...

@William - What I find bewildering is that one has conversations with people who are living in this world of totaltarian control and restriction and 'arbitrary' rule by diktat, changing almost daily; but simply refuse to recognise this actual state, now, as totalitarian, tyrannical, a 'police state'.

They seem to think that by explaining everything in terms of the excuse of the birdemic, they have explained it away - made it not really so.

They can even envisage this current situation being *permanent* (although clearly they have not troubled to imagine what this would actually entail, what consequences it would inevitably have); and yet still regard this kind of life as merely a necessary and rational response to a plague.

I honestly do not know where to start, in talking with such people - which type appears to be the norm.

Cootcraig said...

@Bruce "I honestly do not know where to start, in talking with such people". With family and close friends I try to gently broach the subject and then let it drop. With more distant folks I try to engage. I'm fishing first for potential allies; second to sow seed into their life and leave the rest to God. It's interesting that mass acceptance of wearing the veil corresponds with much unveiling; and presenting stark choices that can't be avoided.

Cootcraig said...

"So, strangely enough, this is actually a time for optimism. Not that the world may turn a corner but that the faithful may soon claim their reward." Oh yes. The faithful are called out to create a Godly life and reap the fruit. I find God is providing community and resources.

Cootcraig said...

@william "This is not a time when good can triumph in the world." Triumph is not ours. But I think the faithful are a remnant set apart and will thrive with God's protection. I act as if it is possible to be in the world, but not of it. I have been taught that there have always been two citizenships, and there has always been a way to use both. This possibility is first spiritual and second knowledge of the duality of lawful/legal.

William Wildblood said...

With regard to what you say, Bruce, about how people refuse to see what is happening, that is why I decided after first writing do in the second sentence here to change it to will. In my immediate circle, admittedly not large, especially now, my attitude is dismissed as conspiracy theory and coming out of personal inadequacy! It usually brings out anger in people so I mostly keep quiet.

Yes, Cootcraig, in the world but not of it is the path we are called to tread now more than ever.

David Earle said...

It's quite incredible how speaking simple truths amongst close family and friends really beings out the worse in them. It's interesting because I am simply sharing my opinion. I am not asking them to do anything with my opinion. We don't even live in America. I am not running for office. I do not want their money. I do not want their vote.

I simply only require hand written apology letters when they finally come to terms with reality, if ever.

Adil said...

Good stuff, William. I'm glad to hear your optimism, and I agree. Spiritual truth becomes all the more evident when wordly lies increase, for those who choose to see. And once you see, it means we've already won. That's why they want to prevent it. Most people are so vested in the system that they are afraid and/or inept to imagine anything else. But once you've seen you can't unsee!

Isbe said...

@cootcraig: “It's interesting that mass acceptance of wearing the veil corresponds with much unveiling;” Brilliant perception. So obvious but I didn’t see it. This situation is certainly an opportunity for grappling with one’s own darkness. For me that is dealing with a great anger. I try and fail often in my dealings with the ‘sleeping.’ But I am at least trying which, as William has suggested might be a good thing.

William Wildblood said...

Yes, that's it, Adil. The greater the darkness, the more the light stands out for those who choose to see it.

I try sometimes, Isbe, but less and less because the great majority just see it as provocation. Perhaps the best thing now is to support those who are waking up of their own accord rather than try to actually wake anyone up. Those who want to will. You have to want to.

William Wildblood said...

Good luck with the hand-written apology letters, islanti!

David Stanley said...

It's odd but I'm fairly isolated socially despite being married with children. I'm so used to keeping my thoughts to myself that I feel as if nobody actually knows me. There must be many in the same position.

I've always enjoyed time alone and walking in the countryside. Now I find even that is under threat from new walkers and lockdown.

William Wildblood said...

Your first paragraph makes sense to me, David. That is one blessing of the Internet, that one can find like-minded people. I do like walks in the country. To be out in nature is one of the only places now you can escape the insanity.