Thursday 13 April 2023

Male and Female Created He Them

 The blurring of the lines between male and female which has been going on for almost two hundred years now has several purposes behind it but first let us be absolutely clear. It is a spiritual attack on the soul of humanity. Separating us from the reality of nature is the next step on after separating us from the reality of God, and this is one of the best ways to do it because the division between man and woman is fundamental. When you attack nature in this way you attack God who created nature and you attack him in a more radical way than simply by not believing in him. That in the conditions of the modern world is often a passive thing but this is active because it deforms and denies the obvious and the everyday. God is not immediately apparent to human beings as they are in this world. The difference between man and woman is.

Then there is the matter of making us believe lies. We all instinctively know the reality of the two sexes. It is hardwired into us. By making us doubt this reality, by denying it and enforcing that denial through public policy as we do we acquiesce in a lie and when we accept a lie against what should be our better judgement we have lost our freedom. We become slaves, capitulating to power which is what slavery is. When you believe a lie while inwardly knowing that it is a lie you have handed over your individual integrity to an outside authority and the only authority that you should be doing this to is God. If you do it to anyone or anything else you are making that thing God. To make people believe palpable nonsense is to control them completely.

Next, this deconstruction of the sexes emasculates men and defeminises women. Everyone loses. Some feeble men might feel safer and more comfortable in such an environment because their weaknesses are pandered to and even portrayed as strengths. Similarly, some power-crazed harpies might thrive, or think they do, but again this is because their vices now become virtues in the inverted scale of values that have come about. In fact, what is happening is that sins and failings are rebranded as positive things and encouraged. The spiritual state of such people is dire. They succumb to their faults and there is nothing to bring them back to truth and goodness.

The reasons offered for destroying the boundaries between man and woman are inevitably to do with right-sounding values such as fairness, justice, compassion etc. However, none of these can ever be used as a justification for going against truth. You cannot use secondary values, which they are, to overthrow primary ones and there is nothing more primary than truth. And to what is the fairness, to what the compassion? The spiritual man or woman or the earthly one? Reinforcing the fallen earthly man or woman against their spiritual selves is neither just nor compassionate. It is, in fact, quite the reverse because it solidifies them in their fallen state. Jesus did not tell sinners they were fine as they were. He told them to abandon sin and follow him.

If the demons who are behind this attack on the male/female divide, aided and abetted by their servants, witting and unwitting, in this world, succeed in their aim of destroying masculinity and femininity they will have brought about a situation in which reality is what we want it to be and that means there is no reality. Human beings as they will have become then might have a fake therapeutic spirituality but they can have no proper spiritual understanding if they reject nature. They will have effectively separated themselves completely from God. This will not be allowed to happen universally, though it may well happen to many individuals. I do see signs of the younger generation, those born in this millennium, beginning to reject the stupidity of their immediate forebears and start to reassert the reality of male and female. I hope this gathers pace. But we have fallen so far it has a long way to go and it may be that only collapse and suffering will bring us back to our senses. It is indeed the character-sapping comforts of the modern world that have brought about the possibility of this lunacy in the first place. In a less artificial environment it would never have taken off.

God created divisions and boundaries for reasons of knowledge and for reasons of love. It is difference that enables understanding. In an amorphous oneness there is no higher or lower, no better nor worse, no greater nor lesser and therefore nothing can be known. And if a man can become a woman or a woman a man what then of love which, in this sense, is the completing of one soul by the other? Of course there can be love between people of the same sex (I am not speaking of homosexuality) but this is not the same as the love between a man and a woman which is profoundly creative as it reflects the union of God and Nature. To seek to destroy the differences between the sexes attacks the root of our being and can only come from something that has so separated itself from God that it has no authentic self. For at the bottom of this being is not goodness, truth and life but a void, and that is where it seeks to take us.

Sex, believe it or not, is a holy thing. It is precisely because it is a holy thing that it can become a diabolical thing when corrupted. But in itself and when correctly oriented it is love and it is creation. The devil hates it and seeks to despoil it in every way he can either through excess or perversion or else by gelding males and making females barren which seems to be what is behind the latest developments. We must preserve it in its goodness and wholesomeness and allow no deviation from its essential truth.

1 comment:

Christopher Berc Yeniver said...

Humans hadn't created the world. Yet, there is a truth to being in it that a cooperation makes for a good life free from fears of the individual.