Monday 8 August 2016


A while ago I was asked if the Masters who spoke to me ever referred to Jesus Christ and, if so, in what way. As something of a follow up to the previous post I thought I'd include my reply here.

"This is a very intriguing question for me.  Jesus was the only religious personage the Masters ever mentioned by name but they never said Christ is the Son of God or anything like that. However I have always felt that all roads lead to Christ and that, in some way I don't pretend to understand, he is behind everything good and true, including behind the Masters as their commander-in-chief you might say. I once said to Michael I felt very attracted to St John and he nodded and said that's not surprising, but wouldn't say anything more when I tried to press him. Very frustrating!

Even though I have been interested in a wide variety of religious teachings from Hinduism and Buddhism to Theosophy, and even people like Dion Fortune and the Western occultism she espoused, they have always all paled before Christ  
So, to answer your question, my current understanding comes from me not anything the Masters actually said. And yet they always told me that they sought to impress me with ideas and it was up to me what I picked up on. I know that's how they prefer to work so one has to use one’s own intuition and work things out for oneself rather than be spoon fed.

In the book Towards the Mysteries by Swami Omanada  (Maud McCarthy), which I see as comparable to my experience with the Masters, there is a passage right at the end where the Masters are asked by the author about Christ and their relation to him and they say in reply that yes, they come from him and that he sent them. The whole passage is very moving and I think it's worth quoting in full here.

"Some weeks before his death, I was alone with the Boy*, when he went into a deep trance, and walked unaided onto the verandah. A great Brother had evidently taken him; in fact I perceived that my own guru was there— that high Master who was leader of the group of Brothers who had taught and healed through the Boy.
We stood together in silence: evidently he knew that something weighed on my mind, and waited for me to speak first. I was indeed longing for confirmation of an idea that had persisted in me for years; but the opportunity to question him privately had come so unexpectedly that, taken by surprise, I was agitated, confused, and unable to formulate my big question. Trying to regain composure, I enquired hurriedly and lamely if I might speak my mind on one or two points. He said:
Certainly, my child.
I then told him that I had had a great love for Christ since early childhood, and that my love for Him did not cease, but increased with the years. I asked if I was wrong to love Him as I do, whilst also loving greatly my own guru—himself? He replied with much affection:
That made me amazedly happy, but even more speechless, for my mind was working furiously on something about which I dared not speak. I floundered between yearning and timidity; and at last sought permission to question further. This was granted; but I was now trembling exceedingly, and struggled with words that died on my lips.
Finally I asked him (who would not permit me to call him “Master”):
Brother! Is it possible that He sent you out on this mission, with the other Brothers of your group—that it is truly from Him and as His Messengers that you came out this time?
My guru paused in thought; pondered long, and seemed to hesitate. Presently he nodded slowly, and breathed:
He took the dying Boy back to his room, still entranced, and there, left him. I stayed on, ministering to the heroic Labourer from Bow. I am certain that he had long known what my guru had just revealed, but that—faithful servant of the Messengers and their Lord—he had remained silent."

If you can read that without a lump coming up in your throat you are made of sterner stuff than I am. The teachings given through these Masters in that book are not obviously Christian in the conventional religious sense any more than the things the Masters taught me were. Nevertheless they do seem to echo what Christ himself taught in a pure and profound way.

 So I don't know what to think about this really. All I really do know is what I feel, and that is that all goodness and truth and holiness and purity and ‘rightness’ are summed up in Jesus Christ. I have always felt this even when talking to the Masters or investigating other spiritual approaches, and, as time goes by, I feel it more and more. I don't think I am being disloyal to the Masters in saying that.  I think they would approve! What's that line from a poem whose author I don’t remember?* “I could not love thee dear so much loved I not honour more”.  That's how I feel about the Masters and Christ. 

So my view of Christ is that he is the supreme spiritual principle in this world. He is what he says he is and everything else must be seen in his light, its truth depending on how much it accords to him.  I don't believe that everyone has to acknowledge Christ externally to be saved.  I think the truth is more universal than that, and the spirit matters more than the letter. But I do think we all have to recognise him and the truth he stands for in our hearts."

* This is the medium who performed the same function for the Masters as Michael did in my case though his work was much more extensive and public.

*I've since looked this up. It's from To Lucasta, Going to the Warres, a poem by the cavalier Richard Lovelace written in 1649.


Thomas said...

I get the impression from that passage that having great devotion and love toward the Saints, as gurus or role models, is also good.

William Wildblood said...

Yes insofar as they emit spiritual light I think it's very good.

Kirstie said...

Lump in throat and tears filling my eyes, yet the tears don't fall because it is not sadness that feels me up, but knowing and humility. I think this is one of the reasons why I feel so obliged to get to know and understand Jesus personally before anything else. I always felt I had some sort of obligation to 'justify' or explain my supernatural inclinations and experiences. Firstly, I had to take God into my heart and now it is Jesus. In a way, I think I am so hesitant with Jesus because I feel I will have to protect him like a brother. That sounds ridiculous now I've said it, but it is nonetheless true.

I genuinely value you making it known about your experience with the Masters. And in such a gentle, honest way.

From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you.

Kirstie said...

It is individuals like yourself that bring people closer to God and Jesus, not the intellectual wannabes who even deny truth when it is presented to them for the sake of their own recognition and understanding.

William Wildblood said...

Thanks Kirstie. That passage is extraordinarily moving, isn't it?

Kirstie said...

Every time. I have read it multiple times and I am moved each time because it speaks to me so personally and then this evening, it struck me you are speaking so honestly about your dear friend, Michael. It is palpable. It is an extraordinary passage on so many levels.

Kirstie said...

I keep revisiting this passage because it is so unusual in that whatever I am trying to understand or make clear, it always somehow finds a way of clarifying my own thoughts. And what naturally is happening, is that I am building faith... not in my own thoughts but that I can now feel able enough to accept what I was shown many years ago. Like you recognise, too much too soon literally blows the light bulb. It is a fine balance between knowledge and power, ignorance and evil.

Your posts are powerful, because they are so personal and honest. And I apologise that I introduced myself like the Devil's Advocate. There is no justification for that other than I wanted to be called out.

And I am glad I did.

Many blessings to you, William.

Kirstie said...

And I will continue to do that, not to be a pain in the arse, but to call myself out continually. I just hope I can do that with Jesus personally, soon, rather than with his faithful servants.

To accept Jesus into your life is everything. It is the biggest battle you could ever imagine because you already have God on your side and every side.

Kirstie said...

Every thing comes down to ego. Just believing in Jesus assumes you have an ego. Because you believe He is better than all other prophets. And to believe in something assumes you have autonomy. It is the most difficult thing to grasp, it seems impossible....