Tuesday, 21 January 2025

A New Dawn or a Setting Sun?

 Yesterday was a text book example of the truth of the saying that two wrongs don't make a right (pun intended). The only reason anyone can possibly think we have turned a corner is the contrast between the old and the new. The new may oppose the old but only as East opposes West, and we need to go North.

It's a classic case of the devil playing for both sides. When one side overplays its hand, he has the other side waiting in the wings to take over, and though it may correct some of the excesses of its supposed opponent it doesn't actually do real good in any serious sense. We will continue on the same trajectory, albeit by a slightly more scenic route. I see this as a self-selecting process whereby an individual's true motivation and powers of discernment are put to the test. Don't be deceived by something that may appear not quite as bad as what it replaces into thinking that it is good. It is only there to divert you from the true good and accept a false substitute.


Laeth said...

Amen. it is disheartening to see how easy it is to fool so many people with so little of substance.

(apologies for the other comment with only my signature, feel free to delete)

William Wildblood said...

Duly deleted! Yes, hope seems to be triumphing over sense with many mistaking fool's gold for the real thing. But perhaps that's part of a test and possibly also a lesson for many when the inevitable crash and burn takes place.