Thursday 22 February 2024

The Conquest of the West

The ways things are going it looks as though the countries of Western Europe might be conquered without putting up any resistance. Has that ever happened before? In fact, these countries often facilitate their conquest by their own weakness and foolishness. America may go the same way. Part of this comes from an ignorance of history, part from naïveté, part from the feminisation of religion, culture, politics and anything else you care to mention and part from sheer stupidity. You might say that maybe this doesn't matter since these countries are so corrupt and spiritually destitute anyway, and that is certainly true. Perhaps they deserve to die. But what will replace them is in no way better despite theoretically being driven by supposedly religious motives, and it is in many ways worse. At least, the West is nominally Christian and its culture has enabled the thriving of deeper enquiry into religion and spiritual understanding. That which seeks to replace it would not permit any such investigation. Its systems would suppress any search for higher truths. It would be from a bad state to a worse.

I have been struck by the crescent and star symbol of Islam. The crescent is the crescent moon which is also known as the horned moon because of its appearance. The star is pictured next to the moon which means it is a fallen star. The moon itself represents the past and what must be outgrown. Esoterically, it is regarded as decaying. Horns, a fallen star, spiritual decay. What does that call to mind?

Added note: I should probably say that my interpretation of this symbol is not meant to imply a literal association but a symbolic one in the contemporary context. Perhaps the symbol is meaningful, perhaps not, but it is certainly there.


xxxx said...

There is association of Islam with the moon. The lunar calendar... Ramadan starts with the crescent moon. If it is cloudy and the moon cannot be seen, the start is delayed

Some people say that Allah was originally,the Moon god. Although I think that Islam starts as a Christian heresy, it retains some pagan details, such as the Black Stone so this could be true

The West was like a paper. He burned brightly but quickly. The spirit of inquiry made it the most brilliant culture in history. But this spirit could not be contained. It ended questioning religion and common sense.

You cannot leave reason rule above everything because you can use reason to prove anything, even that a man is a woman and was born in the wrong body. Glubb spoke about the Age of Reason as the start of decline and end of societal cohesion. Once you start questioning everything, you question tradition, that is, Chesterton"s fence. You start destroying all these fences and destroying civilization

This also happened in Classical civilization. Sòcrates was the Descartes figure of the Greeks. Skeptic of everything except his own skepticism. Plató and Aristotle tried to build something, but they built over sand, the same that modern philosophers, who built over Descartes

IMHO, as a traditional Catholic, there is nothing good to save from the West. Even the spirit of inquiry has disappeared and the Satanic orthodoxy is enforced by force. When I said that the first LGBTI program of my University was not a good idea, I was fired, after 11 years of working there. Souch for the Spirit of enquiry. We corrupt our children and export perversion to the entire world. If the West does not fall quickly, the Satanic ideology will rule the whole word. Let it burn and burn quickly. Good riddance

William Wildblood said...

Some very good points there especially how reason ends up by eating itself which it now has done. Thanks for the interesting comment.

Ron Tomlinson said...

I like Chesterton's fence. As I recall the argument is if you want to ask permission to take down this fence then first tell me why it was built or what its purpose is.

However there is a problem which is that things persist for multiple reasons so even if we identify one or more of them we may not capture them all including if we learn what the original intention of the fence-builder was. There are extreme cases in biology such as jaw bones evolving into ears.

Reason is useful in applying existing knowledge, e.g. how many wooden posts I need to build a new fence; how can I clear out this build-up of catarrh in the ears. Also for communicating knowledge to other people by laying out the reasons and tidying up the arguments.

However the source of new knowledge is not reason but conjecture. We have no idea how conjectures arise in the brain but as far as I know they have the same epistemological status as revelation. I think Michael Polanyi, a scientist and philosopher who became a Christian, thought the same way.

We depend on the revelations of the saints. Absent these we ought to cling to the fences. If we're not trying then they won't stand up.

In our cells there is a special 'fence' which protects the chromosomes and DNA namely the nucleus. When the DNA is being copied there are special enzymes correcting errors in the process. So the cell is trying very hard to protect its information. Despite the fact that its own evolution depended on a very few typos slipping past its ancestors!

William Wildblood said...

Barriers or fences are being pulled down everywhere at the moment but without barriers you have nothing but the primeval soup or something even more basic and uniform. Barriers literally enable nothing to become something.

Christopher Yeniver said...

When it comes to the symbolism of the majority of Christians, Christ has been recrucified for more than a millenia unless the Christ on the cross symbol is in fact much more recent than crowds of men are capable of remembering. I understand the symbolism, the salt of the earth, yet one does not identify with being the salt of the earth if they identify foremost with its symbolism, and an incomplete and regressive one in placing the dying man back there onto the cross. Christ resurrected and he never picked up the cross again. He became that cross, without need to seek outside himself for reality, without need to discriminate out from in. He gained heaven and earth.