Tuesday 7 August 2018

Disintegration or Salvation

The ideological movement which has ended up as the modern left or just modernity in general began by denying the primacy of spiritual reality. It then rejected the spiritual altogether and now, as an inevitable consequence of that, it is in the process of denying nature. This is inevitable because once the foundations have gone the whole building will begin to collapse. 

This denial of nature started with the dismissing of the natural ties of individual to country (in line with the intellectual's preference for the abstract over the real). It moved on to undermining the family. It then reduced the miracle of humanity to the mundanity of a naked ape. It proceeded from there to the rejection of the difference between the sexes. Psychological differences went first and steps to remove physical differences are now being taken. This won't stop. It cannot stop once it has started on this path of disintegration. First principles are challenged. More and more is rejected. The human being is slowly but surely dismantled because once you turn away from God, you turn away from truth and then you descend further and further into an enclosed form of consciousness that concludes by isolating itself completely from reality.

Alarming stuff, isn't it? But it is none the less true for all that. We fail to see how we are destroying ourselves spiritually because we live in a time of unprecedented luxury materially. We have rejected God partly through arrogance and partly, extraordinary as it may seem, through simple negligence. We are protected from many of life's tragedies through the achievements of science and technology, but this has blinded us to our utter dependence on Nature. Simply because God cannot be proved by any of the limited means at our disposal, we choose to dismiss him. But how can you prove the existence of a spiritual being by material means? Thought, as we know it, being a function of the brain, is material. It is a phenomenal thing but God, being the Creator of the phenomenal world, cannot be found in it any more than an author can be found in his book except by implication.

And yet we know that, miraculously, this author actually did enter into his book 2,000 years ago. He rewrote it from inside and, in so doing, gave his characters the chance to become like the author themselves and not remain limited to the dimensions of the book. 

When a world cycle comes to its conclusion, as the current one is doing, some curious things happen. The natural order of being becomes inverted as matter becomes more material, and therefore more the focal point of consciousness, and spirit correspondingly recedes further back in awareness. Hierarchies are disrupted and the 'pairs of opposites' on which depend the functioning of the world, instead of working harmoniously together, become oppositional as their positive sides begin to take a back seat to their negative aspects. Even time and space become qualitatively different with the one speeding up and the other contracting though this cannot be determined with material instruments since they are subject to the same pressures. This story is told in different ways in the Hindu conception of the four yugas or ages through which a world cycle passes, and the ancient Greek and Roman idea of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages which are periods of descending spiritual understanding and ability to live harmoniously with the gods and nature. 

Things have come to such a pass that we can see this happening in our own lifetimes. Truth, goodness and beauty are being trampled underfoot as the elements of choice, selection, judgement and separation required for each one of them to manifest properly are condemned as evil and destructive of a desired oneness. But real oneness only exists in two situations. One, before creation, when all is spirit, and, two, material dissolution when all quality has been driven from the world. That point cannot actually be reached, as that would be complete annihilation, but it can be approached.

What can we do, given that the process is unavoidable? We can do two things, I would say. One, resist it absolutely, and two, let it take its inevitable course. We resist it within ourselves by not letting ourselves be caught up in it. We speak out against it. We proclaim the truth about it. We give as many people as possible the chance to see it for what it is. But then we have to accept its inevitability. Outwardly this process is going to happen and most people will be part of it. They will even fight for it, thinking they are doing good. The current is flowing in one way and we cannot change that. All we can do is not allow ourselves to be taken along with that current and try to help others who are swimming against it. Outer things will be what they will be but we are the captains of our own ships and nothing can take us where we do not wish to go.

This cycle of spiritual decline or materialisation of consciousness is not without its positive side. It would be a strange act on God's part to create a scenario that is all doom and gloom with nothing to lighten the darkness. What it does is furnish an environment in which self-consciousness may come to the fore with its natural mode of understanding which is reason. If we are to become co-creators ourselves, which is God's plan for us, this is a necessary stage to go through. Before you can move on from self-consciousness, you must develop the self. Before direct insight can arise there must be the capacity to understand. But this stage should be gone through and we should progress to a more active spirituality. That we have failed to do, identifying with the times instead of transcending them which is the opportunity for those who recognise the illusory nature of the modern world.

Note: I wrote this before reading Bruce Charlton's last post on Albion Awakening but it seems to cover similar ground. I think this may be because, as Bruce has often pointed out, things are coming to a head.


John Fitzgerald said...

A superb post, William. Salutary and encouraging at the same time. The Traditionalist scholar Martin Lings, who died in 2005, wrote really well about the positives and negatives of life at the end of the Kali Yuga in books like 'The Eleventh Hour' and 'Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions'.

In the latter text he's very critical of the extremes to which science has blindly followed the theory of evolution, and rightly so in many ways. I do wonder, however, if some common ground might now be emerging between religiously-minded people and evolutionists. After all, both 'sides' believe in a hard and solid human nature, they just see it from different perspectives. Evolutionists surely know that males cannot become females, for example, and vice versa, without this weakening the species. Bruce is the real expert on these things, but I would say that some of the collapsing of the boundaries between male and female we're seeing at the moment must surely be seen as 'maladaptive' from an evolutionary point of view.

But then it's always been a belief of mine that evolutionism is a model of reality, just the same as Dante's hierarchical cosmology was a model of reality. It isn't reality itself. In a religious age people believed in a religious model of reality. In a material age they created a materialist model of reality - evolution. Today, as Rene Guenon predicted, that hard and solid materialism is starting to melt and disintegrate - 'fissures in the great wall' he called it, the 'great wall' being the Great Wall of materialism,which was doomed to destruction from its initial building because it symbolised a turning away from God, from first principles as you say. But now evolution itself doesn't seem to fit fit with world of dissolving borders and identities which is currently being promoted. So will we see a new model of reality appear to reflect the current Zeitgeist? I saw something about a 'transgender fish' in an Australian museum last winter, for example.

I have been studying seagulls since I have been living on the coast. They are very traditional and hierarchical in the way they organise their communal life, i.e. a male and female will stay together for life. Why do we think we can separate ourselves from what both Christians (and all other religious believers) and evolutionists would see as baseline behaviour needed to survive and flourish?

William Wildblood said...

Most of the evolutionists are probably going to follow the herd wherever it leads because they are not serious scientists so they will just take their beliefs from whatever is currently fashionable. Some may start to think more deeply about their assumptions but I think most will just tailor their assumptions to fit in with an anything but Christianity approach.

When Guenon predicted the hard crust of materialism would start to crack he didn't think that proper spirituality would enter in but that lower psychic influences would. This might actually give the demons greater purchase on the human mind.

Apparently there is a fish that changes sex. I saw it on a recent David Attenborough programme but human beings are not fish. It's no sign of progress to revert to the behaviour of something extremely primitive.

John Fitzgerald said...

Yes, that's what I meant re Guenon - that the wall of materialism is crumbling, and that this dissolution sees forces from below come to the surface. I think the rise of identity politics and the growing confusion re sexuality and gender are examples of this.

Bruce Charlton said...

William - It should be things coming to a *point*! When I'm quoting from CS Lewis, That Hideous Strength.

Among all the evolutionary biologists I have known, there were only two Christians - myself (but only after about 15 years!) and - surprisingly - Greg Cochrane, who is a Methodist (and has a large family)... but he is a physicist by training, so perhaps isn't typical.

Overall, Evolutionary Biologists are probably the most atheistic (and anti-Christian) group of people on the planet - from the time of Darwin's Bulldog TH Huxley, to Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Matt Ridley...

But (very nearly) all scientists are now corrupt qua science, and very leftist and pro sexual revolution; hence they are assimilated to all the bad trends opf modernity. Even my colleagues who got into (sometimes serious) trouble with Political Correctness witch-hunts (and there are *a lot* of them who have - https://handleshaus.wordpress.com/2013/12/26/bullied-and-badgered-pressured-and-purged/ ) have emerged as still leftists - albeit embittered leftists.

William Wildblood said...

Sorry, yes, very important to get quotes right! I do often wonder why so many seemingly intelligent people are so innately anti-truth. It's almost as if there is some kind of mind parasite that has infected them but I think that ultimately it is a matter of a combination of lack of vision coupled with a disorientated will.