It has become almost universally accepted that feminism is about equality but there are two problems
with this. The first is that it is not true, certainly not nowadays. For, whatever it once might have been, feminism has developed into a movement for the advancement of women as
opposed to men, and it clearly seeks power not equality, specifically the
traditionally masculine type of power which it attempts to acquire through
various methods, many of which are based on deception. It employs the usual
tricks of the left (of which it is an offshoot) that include the distortion of
language, false assumptions stated as fundamental truths, destruction of common
sense basic principles, appeals to supposed justice, political indoctrination, denigration and suppression of opposition and manipulations of ideology.
The second problem is that of equality
itself. It is taken for granted that this is a reasonable objective, and that
equality means everybody merits exactly the same thing. But if you look at both
nature and the spiritual world, there is no such thing as equality.
Actually, if equality really were a law of life there would never have been any
manifested universe to begin with. Creation is based on inequality, the initial
separation of heaven and earth being a rupture in oneness and the start of
difference. Now, equality, if real, would have meant there could never have
been any break in oneness, all would have been eternally the same, and, by the
same token, difference is only possible with inequality. Inequality is at the
very root of creation and the fundamental order of the universe. A complete
equality would have meant that the manifested world of becoming could never
have arisen. The one may be equal because it is one. The many cannot be equal
because they are many. To be equal, everything would have to be the same.
Consequently, it is not hard to see that
the contemporary obsession with equality, and the assumption that oneness and
equality are always and inevitably good, 'spiritual' things, is actually a great metaphysical error.
It is an anti-spiritual impulse and an attempt, probably initiated by the dark
powers, to return creation to the state of chaos whence it arose. It is the
destruction of cosmic order, necessarily based on hierarchy, and it feeds on rebellion
and resentment which are first disguised and then justified by the sentimental excuse of
compassion. Not that compassion itself is sentimental but if used in a
sentimental way which ignores or over-rules truth, it becomes destructive. This
is disordered compassion or compassion that is not really compassion but simply
dons its clothing in order to achieve an end desired by the sinfully motivated
self. If the devil can quote scripture for his own ends, he can surely use
virtue for his own purposes too. And he does.
As for men and women and a supposed
equality between them, why not look to nature? We could, of course, look to
scripture too but that is rejected by most people nowadays when it conflicts
with their agendas. However, we have an interesting example in nature with the
phenomenon of handedness. Everyone is right or left handed. We do need both
hands and so you could say that the hands are equal but one is the leader of
the two and most of the time it is the right.* There is a built-in imbalance and
this appears to be one of the facts of life. Complete balance or symmetry does
not occur. Indeed, the Masters have said (in Towards
the Mysteries), "You should create without balance. Balance is not
harmony. Balance is mechanisation of the mind”. They were speaking of the
arts but what they say applies to life in general too. Indeed, it is because it
applies to nature and life that it should apply to the arts. But the point is
that balance is equality. Equality is not a desirable thing in terms of
manifestation even if it exists at the deepest spiritual level of
non-manifestation or pure being, just as oneness does. But it does not exist in
terms of created things and beings. Where do we see it? In the mineral kingdom,
the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, among humans? Nowhere is there a
complete equality and nowhere should there be except in
chaos and darkness. But light is never the same, there are always degrees of
light. There are no degrees of darkness. (If you think there sometimes are, that
is because that difference is created by light.)
Going back to handedness and the
undeniable fact that most people are right-handed, we should note that the
association of the right side with the male and the left with the female is an
ancient one that exists in many cultures. The two are complementary and do (in
a way) balance each other but they are not the same and one is naturally the
dominant one. This is just an example taken from nature and is not intended to
prove anything. But I would say that it does illustrate a general principle
that is obvious to the uncorrupted (by desire or whatever) mind. It is not
meant to be applied literally to the male/female complementarity but to show
that nature is not interested in equality. Human beings are not hands but
principles operate in a similar way throughout nature according to context. And
note that if the left hand tries to dominate, the result will be a weakened
state which is very probably the situation we are heading towards, our advanced
technology tending to obscure that fact from us for the moment.
Modern Christians who have lost touch with
the transcendent reality of their religion and look at it in largely worldly
terms think that Christ preached equality. The fact he didn't is a large part of
the reason Judas Iscariot turned against him. Judas could not understand that
Christ's kingdom was not of this world. He saw Jesus as a political figure,
completely failing to grasp the message of spiritual redemption. This is
not meant as an excuse to go the other way or a justification to exploit the
weak, but it shows that equality was not a concern of Christ's, except insofar
as he taught all people are potentially the children of God.
No doubt if we lived in a world in which
the strong did oppress the weak, in which the common humanity of all peoples
was ignored or denied, and hierarchy abused (as, of course, it has been in the past), a
reminder of the essential spiritual oneness of all human beings would be essential as long
as that was fitted into an overall structure of how human beings are also not
equal in developed potential, expression, duties, spiritual unfoldment and so on. But the
huge over-emphasis on equality today without a corresponding understanding of the
hierarchical nature of cosmic order is separating us more and more from spiritual truth, and for that reason must be seen as instigated by the demons who are behind so many of the deviations of modernity.
* Obviously I am aware of ambidexterity but it is not the norm.
* Obviously I am aware of ambidexterity but it is not the norm.