Thursday 8 August 2024

The Continuing Sorrows of Albion

 I mentioned in a comment on Bruce Charlton's blog that what has been happening in England recently is that the Saxons are rebelling against their Norman rulers. That's true enough but it's also an over-simplification in that similar things are happening all over the Western world as the native populations show they have had enough of being ignored and replaced in their own countries by aliens who will not integrate with integrating meaning that the newcomers adopt the customs and ways of the indigenous people rather than requiring them to accept the newcomers' customs and ways.

You might say that the hard realities of blood and soil are coming up against the ivory tower abstract theorising of elites cushioned by wealth and power. These elites, because they are intellectually captivated by abstractions rather than recognising the concrete realities of such things as God, country, home and family, adopt the moral high ground, seeing themselves as the defenders of peace and harmony totally failing to understand that they have created a situation in which peace and harmony are increasingly difficult. Trotting out lazy accusations of racism and far right terrorism merely demonstrates the utter failure of the establishment, the politicians, the media, the universities, to admit their own responsibility and recognise how they have ignored and overriden the wishes of the native populace for many years in order to foist their own ideological agenda on an unwilling country.

Yes, you might say that in which case you could think that the establishment at least had relatively good intentions even if these were also naive and foolish. But there is another approach you could take and that is to see the whole stratagem as deliberate. No doubt, the middle ranking sections of the establishment pursued the historically disastrous policies of mass immigration and multiculturalism because they thought it was on message and/or personally advantageous but there would have been those who knew perfectly well what the consequences would be when a tipping point had been reached. They wanted to undermine national identity and damage communal trust and thereby create a situation in which Sorathic destruction would occur. For the goal is destruction of the West as it has been and the replacement of the nation states with a globalist tyranny, and if you doubt this ask yourselves why it is only the Western nations that are required to absorb vast numbers of unassimilable and culturally alien foreigners. That having been said, one must recognise that, though there is certainly a criminal element among some groups, these migrants mostly just follow ordinary human nature in that they are seeking a better life and are more comfortable with their traditional cultures. As are most people except the deracinated Western elites. But the current wave of immigrants have no real loyalty to or love for Great Britain so to put them on parity with the native British just because they have been given a passport is absurd. Nonetheless, they are still for the most part pawns being used by a section of the elites to bring about a certain desired end. It is these elites who should be condemned not the pawns.

Ultimately, all this is a battle in the spiritual war. What is taking place is inevitable in these End Times which doesn't mean there is nothing you can do about it but moral, national and societal decline are all hallmarks of the Kali Yuga in which we find ourselves. We have to use this to direct our attention to the salvation of the soul and part of that means we do not allow ourselves to be consumed by anger or hatred. That's the mistake of the rioting Saxons who forgot the old adage that two wrongs do not make a right. Their violent reaction, though no doubt born of frustration, has merely given the elites grounds for self-justification and done their cause more harm than good. Those of us who can see the spiritual picture have to be wiser and take a longer view.  All that matters is the state of your soul. That is the only thing you can really control. However, we do know that the good, the real spiritual good, will win in the end. Remember how in The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis, a very prescient story, Narnia was destroyed but the incorruptible beauty of the real Narnia, the one on which the earthly Narnia was patterned, remained in the higher worlds. That is true of all that we love in this world too.


Bruce Charlton said...

@William "just follow ordinary human nature in that they are seeking a better life and are more comfortable with their traditional cultures."

It is not my concern, but from the perspective of those organizing and funding vast population movements, there is the double benefit of destroying Western civilization while using the lure of a materially easier and more prosperous life to subvert, weaken and destroy the (initially greater) spiritual motivations of third world populations.

This could be see by the 2020-21 business, where the new arrivals were (by my observation, especially of mask usage) even more scared and obedient to the regulations than the native populations. They also closed their religious centres and ceased their religious gathering very much like the more chronically liberalized Christian churches.

William Wildblood said...

Yes, I'm sure the spiritual content of the new arrivals' religions will be undermined even when they double down on the cultural and, in some cases, ideological sides on contact with Western materialism. Mind you, I'm not sure how truly spiritual many of these were in the first place.

Lucas said...

I don't really agree with your assesement that there are two wrongs going on here. What I think I'm conflicted about is, what if doing nothing contributes more to overall destruction? You said this violence allows the elites to justify their continued destruction, but so would no violence, which is partly how this point was reached. How do you know that this violent reaction isn't the result of an inward spiritual realization, and that it's just the first steps towards something better among the Saxons? Are we supposed to expect the perfect response from people who have been corrupt and weak for so long? Maybe this is their first attempt at expressing their spiritual rejection of what's happening? How do you know one way or the other?
And granted, I'm an American and have very little understanding of what's going on in Britian.

William Wildblood said...

I understand what you are saying and things may well have reached the point at which people feel they have to react in some way. But there are probably also professional agitators involved and a hooligan element that just wants to get in on the act. The danger is the authorities will use the violence to justify cracking down on free speech. There are already calls for that on the grounds (of course) of public safety. But if the elites refuse to listen to the people it may well be that they bring these reactions on themselves.