Sunday 4 August 2024

Evil in the Modern World

The grip evil currently has on the world is even greater than might appear from its more obvious public manifestations which are too numerous and too obvious for me to need to go into here. You know what they are.

But we must remember that the real aim of evil is not the destruction of nations by mass immigration nor the debasement of culture by egalitarianism nor the curtailment of freedom by lockdowns nor even the causing of pain and suffering. Its real goal is the bringing of souls  to spiritual damnation meaning inciting them to reject God. That is what is behind everything else .

Some people have the mission to uncover the truth behind particular establishment-pushed lies and we owe them our gratitude in that they can provide substance to back up our intuitions. Others stand back from the particular and see a more general picture in which the tentacles of evil have spread over every aspect of modern life. They can provide a spiritual framework that can be used to understand the motivations and modus operandi of evil. To see the particulars is important in that we can avoid being sucked in by them but we must not get too caught up in them. We can waste energy on fighting the enemy's foot soldiers in little side battles when we should really focus on what the generals are up to in the main war. That's the one we should fight and we should fight it for love of God not out of hatred and anger against the enemy. That having been said, there is room for righteous anger even if that should not be the main motivator.

Evil always has to be invited in. A situation may be contrived as it was 4 years ago that may encourage capitulation to evil but still there is always an element of choice. The nature of spiritual reality demands this. Free will always operates. There must be choice even if we may be manipulated by propaganda and fear in a certain direction.

The world situation is bad and will get worse. But, trite as it may sound, you have nothing to fear if you put your faith in God and align your soul with the spirit of Christ. The world is burning but always remember that nothing good, nothing true can ever be lost. In a world of lies your task is keep your eyes on heaven, hold fast to the truth and proclaim it.

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