Wednesday 10 June 2020

A Question on Race

My question is this. At the present time does more spiritual evil come from racial discrimination or from the forces of anti-racism? We are talking of such things as pride, anger, hatred, resentment, aggression and self-righteousness. Before you answer that question look at the faces of recent protestors to see what is inspiring them. Observe how they respond to those who disagree with them. The answer might not be what you have been led to expect.

But fundamentally the question is not about racism or anti-racism whatever these words even mean nowadays. It is about truth and goodness. What is the truth of human races? Do they exist and if they do how should one best deal with their reality? If races do exist (and obviously they do, to argue otherwise shows a blatant disregard for reality), they will be different. Are these differences merely superficial or are they significant? Remember it is truth we want not ideology or wishful thinking.

Once truth has been arrived at, and only then for truth is the bedrock of everything, goodness can come into play. If the races really are pretty much the same in every respect save superficial ones there is no problem. But if there are differences that are more than skin deep, differences caused by separate evolutionary paths over thousands of years, we must know how to manage them. We cannot ignore them if they are real. They will come back to haunt us if we do. Alternatively, we cannot allow them to override the common humanity of all the races. There is a balance that must be struck and we can only arrive at the correct solution to the problem, and clearly there is a problem, if we apply both truth and goodness to it.

Now unfortunately we are doing neither. We seem to prefer ignorance and self-righteousness. We talk of empathy and how one must feel for the victims of the past but empathy without intelligence is just sentimentality and will lead to disaster because it ignores facts, replacing them with feelings. What are the facts of race? What are the facts of current suffering? The child always looks for someone else to blame. The mature adult takes responsibility for himself.

Racial discrimination in the past has caused great suffering and is condemned by practically everyone. But it was made illegal in the UK in 1965. That's 55 years ago. I am not so naive as to think that solved the problem but it did make discrimination on the grounds of race against the law. Discrimination may still take subtle forms but from a legal point of view the battle was won long ago. Campaigners are reduced to talking about microaggressions and it really does seem that the more such people are given, they more they want. Legitimate requests to be treated with fairness become greedy demands for preferential treatment and there is the sense that anti-racists will never be satisfied until they have reduced their supposed oppressors to the state of servitude. That is why, to return to the question asked at the beginning of this essay, I say it is they who are currently the ones fostering hatred.

God is the God of all human beings and we are all one in God. But that does not mean we are all the same or even all equal. It just means we are all one in God. It also means that the only way to realise this oneness is to turn to God for it is only in him that real oneness and real love can be found. It is also only to him or his representative on Earth that one should kneel. The present act of submissive subservience known as 'taking the knee' is therefore a diabolical inversion of a spiritual act and should be resisted by anyone who has any respect for God or even, quite frankly, anyone who has any self-respect. 

Evil now advances by appealing to people's sense of justice and fairness but this is just a front for its real but unrevealed agenda which is the destruction of higher truths and spiritual order. The current anti-racist protests follow a familiar pattern. Do not be deceived by the apparent plausibility of their demands. The devil was always a liar and a deceiver and the real goal behind these, whether the participants on the streets know it or not, is destruction.


Bruce Charlton said...

@William " it did make discrimination on the grounds of race against the law"

I can't let this past; because there are many, intrusive, and severe laws enforcing ('systemically') *exactly* discrimination on the grounds of race: quite openly advertised, praised, funded etc. These range from officially lower grades required to enter college, to rules about job appointments, to regulations about what may be said against some people, but not others, on the grounds of race. Plus that legally incoherent and viciously unjust concept of 'hate crime' which is enforced only against some race but not others.

So discrimination on grounds of race is compulsory, not against the law.

Because racism is used to mean simply denial of the Big Lie that races are identical (except when this favours one particular race, when the assumption of equality is suspended); then I think we need to be able to say: If That is what You mean by racism, then Of Course I am 'a racist' (as, by such a definition, is every single person who has ever existed).

But I fear it will take the near total collapse of The West before this evil nonsense is eradicated - along with almost everything else: good, bad and indifferent.

William Wildblood said...

I see what you mean, Bruce. You are, of course, absolutely right and thank you for not letting it pass. I meant discrimination against blacks but positive discrimination in favour of blacks exists everywhere. Not just in the places you mention. Look at TV. One of the most egregious examples I can recall was the casting of a black or mixed race actress as Guinevere in the children's series Merlin a few years ago. This was the deliberate sabotage of a national symbol in my opinion. But there are too many to begin to mention.

I am personally sick of walking on a tightrope and can see myself getting into trouble before too long. But then this, as you say, evil nonsense is allowed to run amok through our institutions, the media everywhere. This is why I wanted to make the point which I emphasise here that it is the anti-racists who are the true promoters of lies and hatred.

Bruce Charlton said...

@William - I know we think that same kind of thing about this. But it shows how intricate are the ramifications of this lie that it is incredibly difficult to write on the subject without accidentally seeming to support one or another of its falsities.

My feeling is that those laws in the 1960s, which seemed reasonable to most people at the time, were rotten from the get-go; but few had the insight or courage to discern this at the time. Likewise the 'civil rights' stuff in the USA. I had this clarified for me by two honest and insightful US black writers who lived on both sides of that sixties watershed - Shelby Steele and (especially) Thomas Sowell. The actual consequences of the sixties 'reforms' have been overall disastrous for the whole society *including* the Black Americans.

People simply don't realise how many good and admirable aspects there were to pre-65 US black life, and how these have been utterly destroyed.

I mean devout and sincere Christianity, solid family life (90% stable families compared to now more than 90% children born 'fatherless' to single mothers on permanent welfare dependence etc), a much Much safer living environment, plus a culture including black creativity of world-historical importance in music (invention of ragtime, blues, jazz, soul, first rate singing - and other cultural fields).

So much that was admirable and decent has since been utterly destroyed; and that destruction celebrated.

edwin faust said...

For a long time, white people we were asked to think and act in a way that was impossible because it had no basis in reality. Absolute egalitarianism was the ideal. We have failed to achieve it, which is taken as a clear indictment of white people as irredeemably racist. All that is left now is an admission of this supposed fact along with the acceptance of whatever harm and insult is visited upon us by the colored people of the world, whose past and present grievances are taken as the only measure of morality. But such acceptance will also prove to be impossible, for it also has no basis in reality. Racial differences are obvious realities, as are ethnic cultures; they are as plain and undeniable as differences in body height and weight and shoe sizes. The ideal of an impossible equality was replaced by racial preferences, quotas, etc. and it has now devolved into an insatiable desire for vengeance. Your are right, of course. Hatred is the motive force of those who are tearing down the statues of "racists" and it is justified by a groveling political class. We are now even being told that police protection is "white privilege." Self-loathing and masochism does not come from a true sense of justice and fraternal charity, just as hatred and violence can never serve any noble cause. But there are no voices of reason and understanding being raised in the public square. Quite the opposite. I can, at this juncture, see nothing ahead but chaos followed by dictatorship, although it is not clear who will wield the iron fist that will soon descend on our heads.

William Wildblood said...

Bruce, I think it is beginning to be better understood how liberal policies have actually been very bad for traditional black communities. And yet even before these there were problems. You mention things like jazz and blues but at the time many people thought these had a highly detrimental effect on white culture and you can see why they did, the way they facilitated the loosening of sexual morals being an obvious example.

edwin, very well put. I think you have summed it all up with that remark.

David Earle said...

Where does "taking the knee" even come from? Do you think it was intentional and preplanned by somebody and meant to have symbolism or be a direct attack on Christianity? Or could it be the collective consciousness communicating organically?

William Wildblood said...

Interesting question. Didn't it start with that American football player Colin Kaepernick who knelt during the national anthem as a political protest? The sort of thing that is called brave but is really thoroughly approved by all the 'right' people. But it's developed from that into a parody of a religious act and a way of forcing people to show their submission to the narrative as i believe it is now called.

Bruce Charlton said...

This question of originas is just a part of what make evil symbolism 'deniable'. The proper question is why some particular symbolism is picked up and pushed. IN this case, it is obvious genuflection has been adopted because it is how catholics behave before the altar and consecrated host, and almost the ultimate submission to divine authority (perhaps full - lying face down - prostration, as when a priest is ordained, may be a step further - watch out for it, may be coming!).

Sean Fowler said...

Should allow ourselves to be distracted or even engage the ideology of political correctness regarding race and race relations. Do we need to justify ourselves to such diseased and wicked minds. Ofcourse we do. I fight them at every opportunity and never back down.
I find it essential to remember that BLM and all PC discussion appertaining to identity politics has, at its roots, one simple strategy. They seek our destruction in body mind and spirit. The destruction of our nations , people’s and cultures.
The Harvard professor, Noel Igatiev, Jewish, Marxist, communist, Bolshevik, a modern day representative of an ideology that killed 60 000 000 was kind enough to make his and his comrades intentions clear. He was not a lone madman, but represented a powerful shadowy and less shadowy movement that has grown exponentially over time and it’s getting braver. His ideas and those he represented have now saturated the political discourse and become policy.
Your readers may or may not be familiar with his quotes.
“ The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.
Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as “ the white race’ is destroyed. Both the dead and live white males are constantly vilified through the media and education system. The pulling down of statues is One of the many more fashionable manifestations of this.
“ The task is to bring these minorities together in such a way that it makes it impossible for the legacy of whiteness to continue to reproduce itself.” This quote brings clarity to the true intentions at the root of identity politics and the designated minority victim groups apparent in political correctness. They are tools of strategic evil, being weaponized and used against us in order to ensure our destruction. BLM is another weapon in their arsenal.

William Wildblood said...

Evil is nakedly displayed now and if we don't see it then we are part of it. That's really all I can say.