Tuesday, 3 December 2024

The Soul's Origins

 We've long been told, against any common sense observation, that all human races are the same with any perceived differences being merely cultural. This is one of the justifications for the mass immigration inflicted on Western populations over the last two to three decades. However, modern DNA analysis has now shown that ideological fantasy be the nonsense it always was as Europeans and Asians are known to have around 2-4% of DNA from Neanderthals, acquired when Homo Sapiens moved out of Africa some 65,000 years ago and interbred with another species of human already living in Europe. Neanderthals used to be thought oafish brutes, but we now know they were intelligent and had a reasonably developed culture. In fact, their brain volume was slightly larger than ours. At the same time, those humans who remained in Africa bred with earlier species of human and apparently have up to 19% of their DNA from a so-called ghost population which may be a form of Homo Erectus. Either way a very primitive human that had not make any substantial progress for a million years.

So, no one can rationally claim any more that all human races are genetically identical. That is just untrue and has been proved such, and the differences are more substantial than skin colour which is largely irrelevant.

However, this post is not about human races but human souls. Do they all come from the same place? Are they all, hold your breath, the same? Clearly in one sense they are as they all come from God, but do all the souls that are born on this planet have the same origin before they came here?  A Christian would not normally entertain the possibility that we have an existence before birth or conception if you prefer, but this is a flaw in Christianity and probably responsible for the equality misunderstanding though it also serves to balance out the opposite error, that the differences between high and low overcome their shared humanity.

I believe that several different types of human souls incarnate on planet Earth to further their spiritual evolution. Some come from backgrounds of greater development than others which surely should be obvious. All, however, have to learn the lesson of overcoming the ego and lovingly surrendering their soul to Christ. This planet is a very specialised environment, home to many differing types of soul in a way that other places in the spiritual universe are not. This causes problems but it also provides opportunity.


Laeth said...

some years ago this question plagued me, and it was very difficult to find any literature on it, for a variety of reasons we all know. so i had to solve the issue to my satisfaction for myself - which honestly is the best way. my conclusion was that, since the physical and the psychical are in the shape of the spirit, then it stands to reason that, indeed, physical and psychical differences indicate a different spiritual origin - and thus a different destiny, challenges, lessons to learn, etc. while this seemed at the time quite radical to my mind, now it just strikes me as basic common sense. and the fact that it is basically heretical to even consider it - heretical to christianity, and heretical to the system - just tells me it is correct, and that the devil is very interested in this particular lie (in fact, as you've spoken often, equality in all its forms).

William Wildblood said...

As you say, there does seem to be a strong effort to make the belief we are different either nonsense or wicked. Part of the reason is that to make things the same you have to reduce them to their lowest common denominator which suits both earthly forces seeking to control and anti-spiritual forces seeking to cut us off from higher realities.