Sunday 28 July 2024

Adam and Eve are the Microcosmic Equivalents of Spirit and Matter

 Eve was born from Adam's side as he lay in deep sleep just as matter is born from unmanifest spirit. In the pre-creation state spirit and matter are one but this does not mean there was unexpressed spirit and unexpressed matter. All was spirit which then projected forth matter as its reflection, or that in which it may see itself, in the dualistic world. Duality means the bifurcation of subject and object and is necessary for creation to come about since pure oneness is being empty of form and therefore unknowable existence. God is conceived of as masculine because he is spirit, all spirit before manifestation and the spirit polarity once manifestation has occurred. In terms of creation, the masculine is the active and the feminine that which is acted upon, as the Logos imprints form on substance, but from their union arises the soul which is the evolving consciousness.

This whole universe and space itself is the body of the Mother. The life in the universe is from the Father and time is the movement that drives the process of growth. Here feminine space represents the field of being and masculine time that of becoming so again we have the active and passive poles operating together though we must remember that passive does not mean empty or without quality as it is the fecund ground of potentia. Who would have thought that the sexual act and its fruits contain the clue as to how the universe came into being? On the other hand, why would this not be so? The greater is reflected in the lesser and the same principles operate throughout creation. This is one way we can enter into the mind of God. By seeing how he acts in the world we can start to know him. It is said that God is unknowable. That is not true. He is in us and we are in him and he is very knowable but he is not fully knowable. His being is inexhaustible and there will always be more to discover but we can start on the journey of knowing him here and now.


Anonymous said...

The "problem" of the above is that as universe/space(the creation) can never be equal to God(the creator); so female can never be equal to male.

Female is not just the opposite of male; it is derived from male (even the biblical story says so, with Eve being born from Adam's side).

Female was created from and for the male; but not vice versa. Hence, in true Christian view, female can never be equal to the male, being created from him and for him.

This is the greater(creation is created for the creator and can never be equal to the creator) reflected in the lesser.

This truth is not found in the God-less asian view, where female yin is basically equal to male yang.


William Wildblood said...

This is why there is so much trouble in the relation between the sexes, especially now when the individual self hence the ego is so much the focus of our attention. I would say that equality/inequality is completely the wrong way to think about male and female. That way of thinking is just not relevant. Male and female are simply male and female and if each sex were true to its archetypal essence there wouldn't be a problem. Male and female are complementary and complete each other but, as it was expressed on the One Cosmos blog recently, " with all such complementarities, one pole must be prior ".

This insight goes against modern beliefs/prejudices but it is in perfect alignment with Biblical teaching and, I may say, our deepest intuitions. There is also the fact of Sun and Moon which conveys a similar idea. This does not make the male, still less the individual man, superior but it points to a deep truth about God and Creation on the macrocosmic level and man and woman on the microcosmic. But the modern world cannot bear very much reality and would reject this because it runs counter to its ideological prejudices.