Tuesday 15 August 2023

If You Do Not Stand Against Evil, You Are Complicit With It

 I have an atheist acquaintance who will believe nothing that has not been confirmed by science, and the sort of fully materialistic science he approves of at that. 'The science'. Talking about the current transsexual craze he said he will wait for science to pronounce until making up his mind on the reality or otherwise of genuinely being able to change sex. A young man of 18 present at this conversation asked "What about basic common sense? We don't need science to corroborate that." "We certainly do", said the atheist. "Nothing can be regarded as true until scientifically proven to be so. What is called common sense cannot be relied upon". "Besides" he added "I just don't care about the gender argument. It doesn't concern me."

This person represents the kind of modern person who has so separated himself from reality, both objective reality and the reality of himself as a human being, that he doubts everything and sees meaning in nothing. This is the result of rejecting the core fact of a Supreme Being who gives reality and meaning to everything. What he is doing to himself is reducing himself to a spiritual wraith, a thin-souled being of less and less substance. He is literally wasting away spiritually. A clairvoyant might see him as surrounded by a hard shell which blocks out any incoming light. It is a sorry state to be in and requires a massive turnaround of consciousness if he is to escape his self- created prison.

Furthermore, not to care about something as important as the fundamental reality of man and woman shows a contempt for the good, the beautiful and the true. It is not sophisticated, as he appears to believe, but siding, whether consciously or not, with the agenda of evil that seeks to separate Man from God. Deny the truths embedded in creation and you deny the Creator who has put himself into creation.

I'm sure many people during the Nazi rise to power were not bothered because they were not personally affected. They turned a blind eye to moral evil. But now the situation is in many respects worse. Vast swathes of the Western population turn a blind eye to spiritual evil and are therefore complicit in its spread, enabling this black miasma to creep over human consciousness. These people are not outwardly evil but by allowing spiritual evil to spread they become part of it and their souls are damaged

At one time I thought that the mystical path was the proper end for every human soul. I still do. The spiritual light must be kindled and burst into flames within the heart. However, we are not just called to ascend to higher consciousness as in some forms of enlightenment or oneness spirituality in which we transcend the vicissitudes of this world which is then regarded as the vale of illusion. We must actively fight spiritual evil as Jesus did and if we are to do that we must recognise it. Spiritual evil is subtle and will often pose as good, worldly good, good for the fallen human being, utopian good, and many spiritual approaches of the present day can be co-opted into spiritual evil because they do not actively stand out against it. Hence the title of this post. Not to recognise good and evil in the world because everything is one or the world is a limited state in which nothing is more true than anything else is not spiritually advanced but moral relativism, and moral relativism just plays into the hands of spiritual evil which will exploit your ignorance mercilessly.


Evan Pangburn said...

"...the gender argument..."

Everything is an argument to such people, an argument being the dubious "art" of making the other person feel stupid.

One of many ways to inflate ones ego, at the expense of another ego.

Some years ago I decided to never argue with anyone, about anything.

One has to tell the ego to simply shut up when so "challenged". It's not easy for most people, to put the ego in its place like that.

But the rewards were great, I felt an immense relief that I would never have to prove anything to anyone, ever again.

William Wildblood said...

I know what you mean. Argument is often a waste of time because the person you are arguing with has already made up his mind and is not open to change. It's just a question of winning and demolishing your opponent. On the other hand, if you don't put your case forward you risk, especially in the current state of affairs, it becoming submerged and lost by the noise made by those on the other side.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Science has nothing to do with this issue. When one side says a certain person is a man and the other side insists that that same person is a actually a woman, no empirical facts are in dispute. It's not as if the question could be settled with an X-ray or a DNA test or anything like that. The issues are linguistic (What's the definition of "woman"?), metaphysical (Is a person of this description *really* a woman?), and ethical (Should society treat this person as a man or as a woman?).

Any idiot can see these are not scientific questions, so pretending to defer to "The Science" in this case actually means "being on the right side of history" -- i.e., siding with the powerful and high-status and not rocking the boat.

William Wildblood said...


Bruce Charlton said...

Sadly, your title is true. One reason is that all the major institutions are now evil, and so is "public opinion", so that evil is now normal.

Anyone who wants to be regarded as normal must therefore take the side of evil. Anyone who doesn't recognise and oppose the evil of the normal, will be on the side of evil.

William Wildblood said...

You're right. At one time to be evil meant you had to take a positive step. Increasingly now, not to be evil or on the side of evil means you have to take a positive step.

Christopher Yeniver said...

One side dominates the media and presents the only means to communicate thought for the most people. It is a path of isolation for those who have forgotten or never learned to communicate their highest desired thoughts. Many are afraid to admit knowing nothing, or being unable to communicate experience as it may contradict the lack of worth in others' beliefs.

The best I've managed is to drive forward relentlessly with knowledge and experience and to readily accuse others of lacking the same and thus being unable to explore their own ideas through self appointed trial. Offering solutions to any issues must fall upon personal agency and never mass programming as our institutions are to do.

Meister Eckhart says rightly that the eye through which we see God is the eye through which God sees us. Delving deeper underneath one's own skin will reveal an entrance back through which one began travelling.