Monday 24 July 2023

Give Them Your Mind and They Will Take Your Soul

 We live today in a spiritually sick society with every tradition undermined and every institution infiltrated by forces bent on destruction. It's right to reassess tradition in the light of contemporary consciousness but very foolish to do a 180 degree turnaround from it without fulling understanding it, and we don't. We just denied the reality which tradition was trying to express. We could have changed the language somewhat but kept the meaning behind it or even gone more deeply into that meaning but our intellectual pride was such that we failed to look beneath the surface of past ways of thinking.

As for our national institutions, once the process of infiltration had reached a certain stage there was a tipping point. That took place around the turn of the millennium after which time the mission became to carry through the new ideology rather than serve the best interests of the nation. Those who rose to the top in such circumstances were the ones who were most comfortable with the agenda or least hesitant to submit ambition to moral scruples. Of course, they employed and promoted like-minded people.

The rejection of tradition and the destruction of institutions built up over, in some cases, centuries, did not happen by chance. It was not simply a matter of organic change but deliberate subversion. Every Western country was affected in the same way at the same time and although it may seem as if this was simply how things turned out because of some fashionable -ism or the impact of the 1960s when class barriers tumbled and freedom and self-expression became the watchwords of the culture, that is not the case because these were only external manifestations of a spiritual revolution that was planned. When I use the word spiritual I do not mean it was good. I mean it came from non-material realms. It was all part of a demonic attempt to corrupt humanity and separate it from God, to present evil as good and blacken spiritual good as evil. This could be done because elements of real good could be taken out of context, promoted, exaggerated  and used to deny others aspects of good. If you deny the primacy of the spiritual then you can present material good as all that is required and what tends to spiritual good is dismissed as either irrelevant or even wicked because it conflicts with your material good.

The aim is control, both physical and psychological. One of the reasons the powers that be are trying to bring the era of cheap energy to a close is that they will have more control. Cheap energy gives freedom but when energy becomes expensive your individual freedom, certainly the power to exercise it, becomes much more circumscribed. Yet more important than this is control of thought. A tamed population does as it's told. This is why, starting from the 1950s, there has been this ongoing attempt to undermine men, especially men of a certain hue, and masculinity. Emasculate to control. This is why such things as feminism and egalitarianism are pushed so relentlessly with the newly invented sins of sexism and racism the worst thought crimes you can commit. It is important to realise that ideologies such as these do have, to quote Bruce Charlton, a "core insight of validity", this being the value of the free individual, each and every one. But the good in them has been deformed and made into an evil by being exaggerated and used to suppress other aspects of truth. A truth taken out of context and the area to which it applies and then applied to other areas in which it does not apply or not in the same way becomes a lie. But, because there is a certain truth nestling within the two ideologies just mentioned it is hard to argue with them as they are presented now on an either/or basis which is what the argument usually gets reduced to. You have to go above and beyond the good/bad dichotomy to find the truth about many things these days which is why we have to go outside both conventional traditional and progressive thinking to get anywhere.

What is the aim of this undermining of freedom and attempted control of thought? For some in the outer circles it may be power but for the real instigators of the process it is the separation of Man from God. Spiritual not political. This is why there are so many contemporary movements that seek to rewrite the reality of creation. Dismantle creation and you do away with God to an even greater extent than simply not believing in him. As long as you accept the natural rules of creation you retain some link to its Maker but when you no longer observe even these you have completely lost touch with reality. Then you can be moulded in whatever shape the demons who are behind all this wish. Give them your mind and they will take your soul.

Note: This is the third part of a short series.

What is Evil?

The Destruction of the West


Francis Berger said...

Well said. On point -- and the title provides the perfect summary because once you hand over your thinking to them, you really have handed over your soul. This became explicitly and tragically clear during the birdemic hysteria. Of course, there is always repentance, but that's a difficult thing to do once you've handed over your thinking.

Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Well said.

As you know, I tend to assume that there are always at least two things going on when change happens; and in this case, as well as the subversive propaganda, there has been a change in the way that people arrive at beliefs.

It began a long time ago with science (real science), which smuggled in the false notion that our beliefs (our world view, the concepts by which we understand reality) *ought to* be arrived at by a value-neutral process of observation and 'actual' investigation. In other words, everything true came from outside us, and from the realm of the material. This is itself - of course - sheer metaphysical assumption; but it is pretending Not to be: instead pretending to be an undeniable and evidence-based conclusion from evidence.

Once people had the fixed idea that everything true comes into humans from externally; then all that was required was for the production of real/ authoritative 'evidence' to be brought under control by the same beings that pushed the externality-of-truth agenda; and we have the circularity of evidence and belief which, now, controls minds.

In retrospect, I think we can see that this was all planned, because it has been such a long-term strategy; and the fact that it was implemented incrementally and steadily over about a dozen human generations, shows that it had a not-human (i.e. demonic) source.

It now seems like obvious 'common sense' to people who have a world view that excludes divine and spiritual reality - and anyone who denies the circular mind control seems like stupid, crazy or evil.

And, as you say, this strategy means that mind-control is soul control - exactly because the soul is excluded from the circular reality.

Anyone *could* break out of the circle at any moment, by challenging the basic assumptions; yet the basis for challenging assumptions is itself denied any validity! Thus modern Man colludes, hour by hour, in the making and sustaining of his own prison.

William Wildblood said...

Thanks Frank and Bruce. The thing about the value-neutral process is that it is not really value-neutral at all. It has very strong categorical assumptions which cannot be broken on their own terms which means you're stuck in a box with no exit.