Sunday 5 December 2021

How Do We Know These Are The End Times?

 In Christian tradition the End Times is that period when humanity is judged. Other traditions, most notably the Indian, also speak of a period when true spiritual understanding is lost and mankind has descended into materialism and ignorance. It is that time when we have gone so far away from the source that we have not only lost contact with it but even deny that it exists. We redefine  good and evil to mean what brings happiness or removes suffering in the physical world with no thought of the spiritual. There is no longer an absolute reality that can serve as the bedrock of moral being. As a result, the centre constantly shifts until there is no real centre at all and we behave with increasing egotism. 

There are several indicators that we are in the End Times now. The first and most obvious is that we live in a world in which materialism and atheism are the default assumptions. More and more, as has been proved over the last year or so, even religion submits itself to the materialistic diktats. Religious belief is allowed only when it doesn't interfere with what is actually supposed to matter. Most children grow up today with no awareness of any spiritual tradition. If they do know of anything like that it's often just quaint and irrelevant to so-called real life. Christianity, as was predicted, has been chased to the periphery, a hangover from the past which may be admired for its humanistic qualities but has no spiritual significance.

That would actually suffice by itself to prove that we are indeed in the End Times but there are many other clear signs this is so. One not mentioned in prophecy, as far as I know, but highly significant is that the population of the world has expanded to unprecedented levels. It makes perfect sense that at a time of mass testing and gathering in, a separation of sheep and goats, very many souls would be present. This is a point of culmination and many souls would either wish to be present or are required as an examination of their spiritual polarity to be present. Souls of all degrees are being asked fundamental questions and their response will have a bearing on their future existence. It is as though we have taken the course and are now being tested on what we have learnt. Most people don't know they are being tested but that is part of the test.

As the End Times is a summing up of an entire cycle we find that all the past has now become present in a certain form. We have access to the previous ages in a way that has never before existed. Anyone in any part of the world can acquaint himself with the knowledge and culture of all historic civilisations. Everything is being swept up and brought into this grand culminating moment. It may even be that the enormous population increase of the last few decades is because all souls who incarnated during the age that is coming to a close have been summoned to appear before the court. It's a time of reckoning and everything that existed in whatever form has been swept up and brought into the here and now.

The End Times were predicted and they were predictable because they are an inevitable result of entropy. At the beginning of a cycle a great infusion of spiritual energy is injected into the world. It is this infusion that makes the Golden Age that all traditions speak of as having existed at the beginning of time. After that there is a continual dropping off of truth and righteousness until these things have almost entirely disappeared. That time is now. Of course, as the spiritual energy dissipates there is a compensatory response on the material level and that is why we have have reached such heights of technology and material well-being, factors which enable the great increase in population. But this material progress masks and also contributes to the spiritual decline and this latter has now reached such proportions as to lead one to the conclusion that a significant point is at hand.

The dominance of technology in today's world is another factor that points to the End Times. We are dependent on it in every aspect of our lives, but here's the truth. Technology separates us both from the spiritual and from the natural. We are so foolish as to celebrate that and even to seriously consider augmenting our being with technology, in effect turning ourselves into machines. For advocates of this diabolical practice it is just a development from a person wearing a pair of glasses but there is a line which we appear shortly about to cross, one in which the technological/mechanical will dominate, and if we do cross that we will actually lose our humanity. I suspect that for many this may already have started to happen and when it happens on a large scale the world will be completely cut off from the spiritual at which point it will collapse. It is the spiritual that gives life. When that has gone existence can only be maintained by stealing life from elsewhere. In a world that has given itself over to technology in the extreme sense I am talking about the stronger will maintain themselves by feeding off the weaker. That is the world of hell. In the Golden Age there was no technology because there was no need for it. I am not saying that all technology is evil but it always has a tendency to become so and it has certainly become so now.

The End Times have arrived. What a privilege to be alive now! By resisting the downward pull we can make a great leap forward in our spiritual evolution. Now, to be spiritually focussed you must make an active effort to be so. Society will not make you go in that direction. You must swim against the tide and the current is strong. But this will develop your spiritual muscles. You have the opportunity of a lifetime.


Bruce Charlton said...

@William - I have a different concept of the nature of the End Times, but I agree we are In them! One aspect is surely the degree of difference between the ways that people interpret the world, and what happens. What are the best and most positive things in the world for a substantial majority - are seen others as an unprecedented extremity of evil. No compromise is possible. For a Christian; it is this *active* embracing of evil and destruction which ensures the times can only end in general catastrophe.

William Wildblood said...

This is presumably only the beginning of the End Times period and it may stretch out for a long while so the fact that we are in them does not mean that there is not some distance still to go. Still, it makes sense to observe the signs. Watch and pray remains the best advice for these days, I would say.

Unknown said...

Biblically speaking, this time period is called the beginning of sorrows. There are much more grevious days ahead for certain, but I agree, for those awake spiritually and walking with the Almighty, it is both a wonderful priviledge and a humble duty to be alive and on the earth seeing prophecy fulfilled and spreading the Word to those without hope:)

To have fear is fine, a matural response to loss of certainty when staring down the abyss.

We just need to remember, the earthly battles going into these end times will be lost, but the victory in the greater war was definitvely decided over 2000 years ago:)

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Nuff said:)

Petrus said...

@William / I love some of the exhilarating images here, such as:

“It may even be that the enormous population increase of the last few decades is because all souls who incarnated during the age that is coming to a close have been summoned to appear before the court. It's a time of reckoning and everything that existed in whatever form has been swept up and brought into the here and now.”

Dr. Charlton’s remark, that the nature of the End Times would include degrees of difference between the ways people interpret the world and its events, gives rise in my mind to two contrasting images: the time of Babel, in which everyone spoke the same language but no one understood anyone else, as opposed to the moment of Pentecost, in which different languages were spoken and yet all understood one another. I expect we will pass from our current state of not understanding to one in which a greater and sublime understanding will not be avoided.

William Wildblood said...

Very good point, Unknown. There is nothing to fear for those who trust the Lord. And, yes, Petrus, the patterns of the past do suggest future unfoldments. Modern civilisation can certainly be compared to the building of the Tower of Babel because we too are trying to reach some kind of enhanced state but on our own terms rather than God's. Which means we are actually going in the opposite direction.