Sunday, 19 July 2020

Two Paths

If you see yourself as a moral person and accept the reality of the world (i.e. do not regard the world as some form of illusion) there are really only two paths before you and you must choose the one in which you walk. The first is the path of the love of humanity or what is called love. Whether it is or not is a different matter. It is probably just a question of putting the perceived good of humanity first and not love at all but let us leave that quibble aside. This path involves seeking universal good and relieving, as much as possible, suffering though only suffering on a physical or psychological level. Spiritual suffering, which exists, is ignored because if acknowledged it would put the truth and relevance of the whole project at risk.

The proponents of this path want to make human beings, all human beings, happy. That is the rationale for everything. No one must be left behind. There must be no inequality. The reasonable nature of this seems indisputable. Those who oppose it must be bad people. But what if it is based on a false vision? What if the happiness it seeks to provide is a spurious happiness which merely satisfies the material side of human nature and ignores the spiritual? To be sure, some kind of therapeutic spirituality might be included in the overall package but this would be as a sop for the emotions only or a means to bring about some kind of psychological effect, whether that be thought of as balance or control or the stimulation of pleasure. It would not be a genuine spiritual understanding which is necessarily rooted in the vision of man as a spiritual not a material being. He is a soul using a body not a body (which term includes the brain) with a soul, whatever a soul might be in the latter case. It certainly could not be primary or body and brain would have to be seen in its light.

The path of humanity is the one we are on. It is the way practically all modern discourse tends but it is based on a lie. I call it a lie rather than a falsehood because a falsehood might just be an honest error but the roots of this path go back to deliberate denial of truth. This path has a destination, as do all paths, and its ultimate destination is into nothingness, the dark world of spiritual separation and emptiness. This is because it denies the reality of what we are. It restricts us to our material selves.

The path of humanity is humanism and humanism is just a pretty way to describe atheism. That is the grinning skull reality that the humanistic mask covers up. The mask quickly rots away and you are left with the empty skull. Humanism is basically nihilism.

The second path is the path of the love of God. This acknowledges our spiritual roots and does so in a way that shows our dependence on a Creator. Self-sufficient spirituality, popular today among those who tire of material things and want spiritual ones, is a contradiction in terms. But because there are many levels of reality between the purely physical world and the properly spiritual one, it is relatively easy to mistake something beyond the physical for the spiritual. Following the path of the love of God, which is the path of humility and gratitude, helps protect against this error. That is not to say that spiritual humanists will not find something approximating to the spiritual or their idea of it. "In my Father's house there are many mansions". But at best they will only enter into one of the outer spheres of creation. They will not know the Creator and they will not enter the Kingdom of God which is only open to those who love him.


Anonymous said...

Do you think in Heaven I can make a decision to ever NOT come back to Earth again? Do you think I can decide to stay in spirit world forever if I want?
Do you think Eckhart Tolle really is enlightened?

William Wildblood said...

1). I doubt you are forced to do anything you don't want to do. If you come back it would be because your spiritual self sees some benefit either to your evolutionary progress or else because of some way in which you can serve.

2). No.

Anonymous said...

Okay. You probably know David Icke? What do you think about him?

William Wildblood said...

I don't know enough to comment but I think his heart is in the right place.

Could you leave a name of some sort when you comment? Just some sort of identifying tag rather than anonymous . Even Mr X would do!

Ex-Anonymous said...

Yeah sure. My nick name is Ex-Anonymous now.
If I ask angels to help me, how can I be sure that they really are from light and love? What if demons hear the call and come around me and then I just think I have angels around? Terrible... Well I never see anyone near when I ask angels. I also like to use some kind of mental energy to protect by saying like "only real angels, who really are from light and love can come here". I don't know if that is even helping... What do you think?

William Wildblood said...

Ex-Anonymous is good.

That's a tricky question to which there is no easy answer. Traditionally it is said you should ask a spirit if it recognises Jesus Christ as the Son of God but I see no reason why a deceitful spirit can't deceive in that regard too. They do lie after all.

But really the only answer is that you have to use your intuition, and common sense too, of course. Good angels don't flatter or promise or direct attention to themselves. It could also be said that if you are good you will attract good and vice versa so we should work to purify our own souls.

Ex-Anonymous said...

Okay. Have you ever experienced state of oneness or saw angels or something like that? What do you think about spirit guides?
When I read your blog and saw your picture for the first time, I knew you are a good person and have good intentions. It was my inner knowing. I wonder why I seldom have inner knowing about devious people? Do you easily just know if a person is good or bad?

William Wildblood said...

I believe that spiritual guides certainly exist and range all the way from simple instructors who are not much further on than the people they instruct up to very high spiritual beings and a range in between. My book Meeting the Masters is the story of my experience with guides who called themselves messengers from God who I definitely regard as high spiritual beings. There's a talk I gave on this subject here

Not sure if I'm a good person! I would like to believe I have good intentions though. It's not always easy to tell good from bad in people since we dissemble but I would say that the more you are in tune with goodness yourself through love of God then the more easily you will be able to discriminate between good and bad in human beings or even spirits.

Ex-Anonymous said...

Do you meet Michael in your dreams? Can you feel his presence sometimes when you are living your daily life?

William Wildblood said...

No and no. I don't think that is the sort of thing that is meant to be. He's moved on to the higher worlds and doesn't need to be pulled back to this one. I'm sure we'll meet again in the afterlife but in this life our time together has finished.

Ex-Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I understand. I never feel my grandfather's presence.
Do you meditate? I personally don't want to meditate because I'm afraid something nasty will happen while in meditation. And that can happen, right?
May ask you again about Eckhart Tolle. Why do you think he is not englightened? Do you know Sylvia Browne, what do you think about her?

William Wildblood said...

I meditated for 20 years but don't now because I live more in the world and don't think it would be helpful for me at the moment. I may go back to it later on when I can live a more contemplative sort of life in general. Now my approach to God is through prayer.

Because he's not! What is enlightenment anyway? I don't know much about Eckhart Tolle but from I do know he appears to live in a thought form of enlightenment rather than the real thing, like most Western followers of Eastern paths. He is an imitator not an original.

I don't know Sylvia Browne.