Friday 18 May 2018

Sophistry of the Left

I have come to the conclusion, obvious really when you think about it, that all leftist argument and debate is essentially just sophistry. It is wishful thinking, prejudice, resentment, envy, rebellion against truth, emphasising the lesser at the expense of the greater, ignoring overall reality for the sake of details, dressed up in intellectual garb but its substance is hollow.

Truth is truth and to the uncorrupted heart shines out with clarity. That is why the ignorant and the wise often have more common ground with each other than either do with the learned but unwise or, to put it another way, the products of the modern education system. You may wish for truth to be other than it is but wishing and denying won't make it so. And if you do so wish, that is because of a corruption within yourself because truth is good and anything that goes against truth is bad. Moreover, truth is joy so you are throwing away true happiness for the short term satisfaction of some personal goal.

Of course, the leftist position is not all wrong. It would not attract so many were that so. But is essentially wrong because it denies reality and it denies God except for when it allows him but that is always on the basis of him having to fit in with its agenda. For the left God, if he is permitted at all, has to be seen in the light of Man instead of the other way around.

When I speak like this people say, but what about the right? Aren't they just all for themselves and for preserving the status quo of the rich and powerful? As far as I am concerned this is just defining the right in the terms of the left, as in what the left sees itself as opposing, or, if this is what the right is, it is only what it is when it has abandoned God and taken on many of the ideas of the left. Left and right are actually leftist terms anyway and only came about after the initial rebellion against natural order. I have no interest in left or right in that sense, the sense of purely political ideologies. The real division is between spiritual and anti-spiritual, and, though it is true that these two can also tip over into political attitudes, that is only when the spiritual is not properly understood, usually when it is seen as an extension of the natural rather than that from which the natural takes its rise and to which the natural should submit.

It's time we stopped thinking in terms of left and right and saw the world only in terms of the light of God. There might still be debate about truth and justice and goodness but if we saw these as emanating from above downwards rather than operating predominantly on the human level then we would recognise the natural hierarchy of being which in no way excludes essential unity. The two go together and both must be taken into account but they must be seen correctly, each in its own sphere, and neither should be allowed to trespass in the sphere of the other.

We resort to sophistry when we are more more concerned with an agenda than with truth. We then obfuscate and deceive and change our terms of argument and redefine language and misrepresent our opponent, all tricks that leftist ideologues use to advance their cause. But truth is simple. Think of the words of Jesus. Concise, clear and without any attempt to use force. The left is all about force, forcing their way through the manipulation of thought and word. The left is largely built on lies.

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