Thursday 12 April 2018

The Empty Heart

Imagine the human heart is like a dial with a pointer on it indicating its orientation. Thus, north or twelve o'clock would be where God or the true Good is located and south or 6 o'clock is where evil or the anti-good is to be found. The heart can point in any direction depending on the inner motivation of the individual but its real direction is not always obvious to the outside observer or even the person concerned.

This is because the real spiritual good is not the same as the good defined in worldly terms. I would say there are many people nowadays who seem to be good citizens, who tick all the right boxes and who imagine themselves to be good but inwardly they are hollow people and their heart is not orientated towards the real good at all.

Several times on this blog I have pointed out that if you have a true sense of real goodness within you, you simply must turn to the source of the good which is God. You must know that goodness has a source and see it is not in you or in human beings as they are in this world. You will clearly perceive this as a living (not theoretical) fact if your awareness of goodness is real. That is why I say all good people believe in God. They know that is where goodness comes from. A real being of truth and love. If you don't see this then your understanding of goodness is flawed.

The modern world is better than the past in many ways. It is, by and large, less violent and there is, by and large, more freedom. The technological achievements of the last couple of hundred years have given even the ordinary person a much higher standard of living than even the very rich enjoyed in the recent past. But from a spiritual point of view we have fallen on evil times. Our hearts have hardened and our minds have clouded. Orientation towards the true good has fallen away to be replaced by a concern with worldly good that, when stripped back to its origins, is grounded in nihilism. There is no mystery left in the world, no meaning, and that is why we cover up our own inner emptiness with the pursuit of money or worldly success or seek to distract ourselves with shallow forms of entertainment or, for the intellectually inclined, mind games and mere cleverness.

None of this leads anywhere. If life is not spiritual it is void of sense and this void will be felt by each one of us and eventually manifest itself as the feeling of hopelessness. It must. We are spiritual beings and can only ultimately be satisfied by God.


Unknown said...

No heart can remains in a state of emptiness for too long. It is made to be filled and the mystics say that the heart is the house of god,any other occupier will threaten the vital existence of the human. Thank you William for clearly identifying the true occupier from the false occupiers and the insinuations associated with the false occupiers as compared with the calm accompanied the ones who have made their hearts the abode of the One. It is a hard world where temptations of the material ethos have captured most people,including the temple goers across the globe. It is also a distinguishing time where the true and the false are no longer able to conceal themselves from the exposing light, as if we are marching speedily to face our fates.

William Wildblood said...

I think you are probably right and that lines are being drawn at the present time with a clear choice between truth and lies being given to us with truth bring the harder option because its basic premise is denied by worldly wisdom.