Saturday 24 February 2018

Loss of the Soul

Does the ordinary person ever stop to ask himself or herself where humanity is heading? I believe many people must secretly be wondering this inside themselves, secretly because the current more or less enforced scenario is that we are progressing towards the sunny uplands of one humanity in which all differences have been abolished and we are free to make our own reality - as long as that coincides with the officially sanctioned version. That's the scenario but it really doesn't feel like that to many people. It seems more as if valuable truths are being lost and replaced by falsehoods designed to make us feel better in a superficial way but which actually lead us into illusion and darkness.

People are not fools, surely? Even with all the indoctrination that goes on nowadays through science, the media and education, all corrupt, there must be a significant number of people who see that this is ideological rubbish, mustn't there? Alarmingly, the number who really do see this and say so seems to be relatively small but still I do believe there are a sufficient number of people able to think for themselves (this is not necessarily a matter of intelligence or, at least, not as it is measured by IQ) and see through the propaganda.

We are being cut off from our past but a tree that loses contact with its roots cannot grow and will die. For us in the West our past is inextricably tied up with Christianity and it is the teachings of Christianity that are most under attack these days, whether it be the social teachings relating to marriage and family or the spiritual teachings relating to our origin and end being in God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. There is, and I say this because it is so, a diabolical attempt to remake humanity going on at present, without reference to God or even spirituality except, when it suits the convenience of the dark powers, a spirituality that is mostly based on so called human potential. Our minds are being emptied of their real inner content and restocked with images from outside, images not based on nature but deformed, artificial, machine-like. We are increasingly dependent on machines and computers and consequently become more and more like them in terms of our consciousness which loses its innate freedom and vision to become a controlled product that reflects the false images it is fed. We are told our natural instincts are false, if not downright evil, and shamed if we hold to the beliefs about life and human beings that practically all past generations have held. The struggles of our ancestors to make the world a more spiritually intelligible place are belittled as attempts to impose power by one section of the populace over the rest, and past traditions are defined only by their errors or excesses disregarding the fact that these form a small proportion of the totality of what they were.

I was prompted to write this piece by a truly excellent essay by Bruce Charlton which is here. In it he talks of how the demons who manipulate our world are attempting to create a world without God, and sets out how they are going about this task which they have been preparing for centuries but which is really picking up pace in our time. This may sound like science fiction or wild conspiracy theory but it is very real, and should be increasingly obvious when we see the madness that passes for truth and goodness these days. Bruce's essay is a tour de force in my opinion and drew out the comment from me that the demons are aiming for the point where they will have created a real rupture between the earthly personality and the spiritual self with the result that their victims, who are us, will literally be soulless entities. The demons cannot destroy our true spiritual self for that is of God, but they can bring about a situation in which any connection we have to it is broken, and this is what they are attempting now, with spectacular success. They have prepared their ground very thoroughly over the last, say for the sake of argument, two centuries, but they have really upped their game since the 1960s, and now we have generations who have not only ceased to be Christian but no longer even have the benefit of an upbringing in which Christian values were still paramount.

Once the link between earthly self and spiritual soul really is severed we are lost. We have not reached that point yet but the signs are that we are approaching it. Then what I think will happen is not pleasant. It is a kind of self-chosen damnation but that does not necessarily mean terrible suffering as in traditional depictions of hell in paintings by Hieronymus Bosch, for instance. What will happen will be a gradual thinning of consciousness as it is no longer fed by the spirit, the connection having been lost by a voluntary turning away from real goodness and truth to inverted versions of these. Our awareness will become less alive, less sensitive and alert, the opposite to what happens in genuine spiritual growth, and gradually fade, becoming, figuratively speaking, two-dimensional and colourless. This will go on until eventually our consciousness falls below a certain threshold and we become creatures without freedom or true autonomy. It may then fade out altogether, actually cease to exist, or else the demons might preserve it somehow to serve their ends. This is not an appealing prospect but at no stage are we obliged to follow it. Our destiny is in our own hands. The demons cannot force us to do anything. They can lull us into materialistic sleep but only if we are foolish enough to let that happen. For goodness sake, wake up!

I understand that all this will seem ridiculous to modern people, raised in a materialistic world in which we are the result of purposeless evolutionary forces, but time presses. Your soul is yours to save or to lose.

I've been asked if what I am saying here is similar to what David Icke is saying. I think it is similar but different. I only know his work indirectly but it seems he is talking about a political totalitarianism leading to material enslavement. Although he posits his famous demonic reptiles as orchestrating the show their motive is not spiritual enslavement or damnation as far as I understand things, though I may be wrong in that. What I see as the purpose of the dark forces is the separation of humanity from God and everything really revolves around that. The control they seek only has that purpose.  Moreover David Icke seems to regard Christianity as part of the problem, though he follows a vague spirituality, but, while I would agree that Christianity has certainly been corrupted, I see Christ as the only real bastion against untruth and spiritual darkness. Which is not to say that other approaches to the spiritual are not valid but they do not have the same degree of truth and validity.


John Fitzgerald said...

An outstanding cri de coeur, William. Everyone should read this.

William Wildblood said...

Thanks John. As I say it's really just my reaction to Bruce's excellent piece.

Adil said...

We must stop the fascists first!

On a serious note, I always found David Icke as a moron. More sensible than "normal" people, but still in the wasteland of sensationalist quasi-materialism. In the end, he only fills the purpose of earning the money of a deluded audience seeking a thrill, while at the same time giving spirituality a bad name. Which means, no one of importance cares what he is doing. Indeed, the actual evil forces might even be promoting him. Because obviously, his democratic/manufactured crusade against the reptilians is bound to fail even if he becomes wealthy in the meantime. This is because people can't be externally mass-persuaded by any truth these days (none the least by some alarmist lunatic who believes in monsters). This old democratic myth of "turning people over" is getting really old, and leads to people "buying into your product", at best.

Regarding the main topic of your essay, needless to say the discourse of rationalist constructivism has brought us to this place. Something happened, or snapped, during the French revolution. Cartesian dualism between mind and body became mass oriented until it was perverted into individualism. Fast forward til modernity and we have a society where the egalitarian mind virus makes people impose their selfish agendas under the false banners of rights and equality.

Being selfish is one thing, but coupled with solipsism it turns to insanity. Humans are amazing creatures but there is something bad going on in our heads that makes us forget who we are and where we came from, in favor of a computational view on reality. Rationalism gone mad, I'd say.

British philosopher Alan Watts used some brilliant metaphors to illustrate our situation. He used to say that the first Western myth was that the universe became a monarchy, where the creation was seen as a sculpture with a law and a founding father, wheras the later myth decided to keep the law but get rid of the founder. And so instead of completing the creation, we decided to pick it apart to look what's inside - which was like a child opening a present before Christmas.

All this reminds me of the Fall and the forbidden fruit, where God clearly warns us what awaits if we abuse knowledge. And so the end point of leftism being a mind trap or a dead end, turning the creation into a machine with no life of its own.

William Wildblood said...

Some good points, Eric. I have to say I rather agree with you about David Icke.

Bruce Charlton said...

I disagree about David Icke - I have thoroughly studied his work over the past 2 years; and often listen to his videos (Indeed, I did so this morning). I have learned quite a bit from him.

I regard him as is a sincere, brave and decent man; who has genuine intuitive gifts.

On the other hand, his religion is a kind of Eastern one with reincarnations leading towards a loss of individuality and this world as a deception made by demonic spirits. He is very explicit and clear about his beliefs - they aren't vague or New Agey, but they don't fit into any of the main religions. He is broadly hostile to mainstream Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church; although he is influenced by the Gnostics. So I regard his religion as wrong.

However, in the context of UK public figures, Icke is one of *very* few that I regard as honest. I like him and would enjoy meeting him, and would happily have him as a house guest!

Alan Watts on the other hand... a typical spoiled priest. A man primarily motivated by sex and status-seeking - not spirituality. A charming, eloquent, knowledgeable psychopath. A Bad man; on the side of darkness.

I wouldn't have trusted Watts to refrain from some kind of nastiness for as long as my back was turned! The kind of person I would not let pass my door.

William Wildblood said...

I'm sure you're right about David Icke's courage and sincerity. He's certainly not a moron but I do think he's something of an exhibitionist and his spiritual insights are shallow as far as I understand them. He's also rather crude in the way he presents himself. I suppose my view falls between Eric's and yours but, to be frank, he doesn't interest me.

On the other hand, I quite agree with you about Alan Watts. A clever man of no real spiritual sensibility.

Adil said...

Well, I can't say I've "studied" Icke myself. It's more of a general impression, having watched some of his videos during the time of my spiritual seeking. Perhaps moron was a bit harsh, as he seems like a quite nice chap, but I find his hyperbolic outbursts off putting and ultimately distortive. Which makes it hard to know what his intentions really are.

Alan Watts has been important to my own spiritual growth, and he comes across as a very articulate, elegant and creative mind. In the end very "new agy" of course, which could explain the discrepancy between his spiritual insight and inability to live up to it himself. RIP.